Brentwood Scouts help celebrate Gateway Arch


Mike Horton, of Brentwood, reported on some Brentwood Scouts that helped at the recent ceremony celebrating the 50th anniversary of the placement of the final piece of the Gateway Arch on Oct. 28, 1965.

At 11 a.m. the St. Louis Fire Department Honor Guard struck a bell five times in honor of the five decades of the Arch’s existence.

An honor guard from Boy Scout Troop 313, Cub Scout Pack 656 and Girl Scout Troop 1047 raised the American flag on the new flagpole at Luther Ely Smith Square, the first part of the CityArchRiver 2015 project to be completed.

The flag raising was led by Zach Horton, Eric O’Neal and Jeremy Forman, all former Brentwood Cub Scout Pack 656 members. Pack 656 was represented by Ian O’Neal.
Also in attendance were three Boy Scouts who raised the flag that was attached to the final piece of the Arch before it was hoisted into place.

After the event, 1000 cupcakes with special designs were handed out to attendees. The Scouts finished off the day with a trip to the top of the Arch where they received a certificate and a button commemorating the event.

Photos by Jennifer Horton.

Ceremony 1
Zach Horton (with flag), followed by Eric O’Neal and Jeremy Forman.
Ceremony 2
Scouts salute the flag raising.
Ceremony 3
Jeremy Forman and Zach Horton show off the special cupcakes. Ranger Mike Horton, arranged the flag ceremony.
Ceremony 4
Scouts from Boy Scout Troop 313, Cub Scout Pack 656 and Girl Scout Troop 1047
Old Scouts
Old Scouts- Larry Hendricks, Dennis Hart and Cornell Harvey, former Scouts that raised the flag on Oct. 28th, 1965.


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