Flood leaves house ‘not salvageable’


Brentwood resident Clayton Keeney, who worked throughout the day of Aug. 15, when one of the Manchester Road floods destroyed a foundation wall of a house on Ruth Avenue, contributed some photos and descriptions of the day.

Keeney and others did what they could at the house on Ruth Avenue. He said the home lost the whole south side foundation wall. When it broke it also tweaked the east and west walls outward.

“Then as the wall caved in it tossed all the appliances across the basement ripping out the gas, water and electrical lines that were connected to it; this includes the furnace, hot water heater, washer, dryer, and the AC from the yard also fell into the basement,” he said in an email.

He said if you were to try to fix it it would need a new foundation  along with all the major utilities in the basement, which would mean bringing it up to code for homes built in flood plains, meaning the main level would need to be one foot above the baseline flood elevation along with all major utilities. “Probably not going to happen for a home worth maybe $130,000-150,000,” Keeney said. “My thought is that it’s not salvageable.”

Clayton Keeney photo
Ruth Avenue on August 15, 2016. Clayton Keeney photo
Clayton Keeney photo
Dorothy Avenue on Aug. 15, 2016. Clayton Keeney photo
Keeney’s house, on Dorothy Avenue. Clayton Keeney photo
The house on Ruth Avenue that lost its foundation. Clayton Keeney photo