Louise R. Charboneau files to run for Brentwood mayor


Dec. 17 was the first day for candidates to file to run for office in Brentwood. Until today no one had filed for mayor — Wednesday morning Louise R. Charboneau, of 8830 Madge Avenue, became the first. Her name is on the updated sheet taped to the city clerk’s office.

Charboneau has been attending most meetings of the board of aldermen, and many other city boards and commissions for several years as a resident. In December she objected to the city removing trees at Oak Tree Park and in January she spoke out against the city removing a resident’s oak tree at a board of alderman meeting.

She couldn’t be reached immediately for comment on her decision to run for mayor.

Mayor Chris Thornton hasn’t given any word that he plans to run for a second term.

Louise Charboneau, with Barry Williams, protesting the city removing trees at Oak Tree Park in December.

The incumbent aldermen for each ward are the only ones to file for alderman.

  • Ward 1: David Plufka
  • Ward 2: Brandon Wegge
  • Ward 3: Steve Lochmoeller
  • Ward 4: Tom Kramer

Jan. 17 is the last day for candidates for office to file in Brentwood.


  1. Louise, I salute you and wish you well. It’s always refreshing to see someone run for public office who has no self-serving motives. You just love your city and its people and its trees! It’s that simple. Because you attend so many City meetings, you are well informed on City issues. And because you are retired, you would be able to devote more time and attention to City affairs than could Mayors Thornton, Kelly, and Kurtz, who each had to devote a lot of their time and energy to their demanding private-sector careers.

  2. Louise, You would be a wonderful mayor. You actually LISTEN to residents. You CARE about our City without always having personal motives. You are TRANSPARENT, unlike our current “mare”. You have a balanced perspective vs that “bubble of hog heaven” view as the “empty suit” in the mayoral chair. Your ability to PRIORITIZE with respect to individual property owners, and interested resident groups (see Gruder Property Oak tree adm. whimsey and debacle.) Finally, I TRUST you as an honest candidate and not a LIAR who will campaign one way and do a complete turnaround after about 2 BOA meetings. Thank you for stepping up. BTW, dear Louise–as a catholic, i will STILL have to go to confession all the time, but will at least be able to confess some sins other than being a wart on Chris’ nose! TY!! (smile)

      • We are looking at a change from the “frat boys” going into conclave for a LOT of “me-me-me” time—to a real mayor (Louise). We are a small residential community with some commercial opportunities, now forced into an unending and very “childish” ignorance of what community means. MONEY has been the push—-what about human culture and personal pride in our City? This comes down to a mindset of “move to brentwood, as a property owner” or a “mare” with NO INTENTION of staying here—but using it as a leg up.
        (REALLY, to my neighbors i am sorry i have been so aggressive in attacking Mayor Thornton. He deserves it—his FAMILY does not. This was a struggle. BUT that being said, the residents HAVE NOT BEEN LISTENED TO—-PEOPLE’S QUESTIONS HAVE NOT BEEN ANSWERED—PROBLEMS OF RESIDENTS WERE NOT TAKEN AS PRIORITY—THE BALANCE OF RESIDENCES AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES HAS BEEN TAKEN AWAY FROM THE RESIDENTS. i just want peace and balance. WE HAVE NOT HAD THAT. What is wrong with a genuine hometown? That is NOT what has been pressed in City Hall agenda. anyway, love, maureen (been criticised for my signoff. Love to me is all in balance–and then let history be history.)

  3. I wonder if Ms. Charboneau is any relation to Justin Charboneau, 2nd Ward alderman in Crestwood. Does anyone know?

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