House designs to be proposed for 2 lots in Maplewood


Maplewood Design and Review Board on Thursday is set to consider proposed designs for new homes at 7396 Flora Avenue and 7272 Sarah Avenue. Both properties are empty lots. See the meeting agenda including the house designs, here: D&R staff report
7396 Flora Avenue is at the corner of Flora Avenue and Sutton Boulevard. It is the site of a house that burned down in 2012.
7272 Sarah Avenue is behind Schlafly Bottleworks.


  1. I’m excited to see new homes constructed on empty lots in Maplewood. I’m also glad to see the one house is getting a second floor addition rather than getting torn down and replaced. Is 7396 Flora Avenue is a single lot or double lot? It looks somewhat big.

    • The house that I’m referring to gaining a second floor is on Commonwealth as mentioned in the D&R staff report. Just realized it’s not mentioned above. I’m not going to complain about house style as long as it fits the streetscape and neighborhood.

  2. Do you know who bought the two lots? Who owns them now? Also, isn’t it a conflict of interest of some sort for the mayor to be the architect for a City of Maplewood project?

  3. I have a VERY hard time seeing the types of houses suggested in the conceptual review (see documentation link) fitting in two such narrow lots! (In fact, my house is quite like bungalow house pictured here.) I live in line of sight of this location and it is across the intersection from my church. Further, parking a huge factor here. Driveways? ? MUCH needing to be considered here.

    • I love the house for Flora! It’s so crazy that so much as a detached garage addition has to be approved. If it’s your land, and the building will be up to code, why should it need approval?

  4. Not fond of the one for Sarah St….however that lot is so narrow not sure anything else will fit

  5. I would think something would be better than nothing. As far as the style of the architecture, I believe in property rights. If modern architecture were proposed, maybe anyone objecting could buy the property from the current owner and build a Queen Anne style house or whatever.
    Sometimes is seems as though there is an active “Citizens Against Everything!” group that isn’t really helpful to the community. I remember at the Town Hall meeting in January some folks saying the biggest crisis we faced was property owners cutting down trees which were on their own property, at the end of their lifespans, cracking the sidewalks, etc. With the pandemic going on that concern seems rather silly now.
    I will welcome new houses being built on those vacant lots.

  6. I hope that we get a home that fits in with the neighborhood. I would be interested to see what the options are. Might have to try to look at the website and see if we can see a drawing of the houses they have in mind.

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