Knights of Columbus ladies serve dinner to firefighters, police

Lions Auxiliary Ladies Karen Bish, Eileen Lencz, Kathy Lubbers and Heidi Barks (left to right) fed Maplewood firefighters and police dinner Wednesday night.
Maplewood Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxillary ladies Left to right Karen Bish, Eileen Lencz, Kathy Lubbers and Heidi Barks (left to right), fed Maplewood firefighters and police dinner Wednesday night.

Every year in July the Maplewood Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary plan a meal for the police and fire department, member Heidi Barks said. “Since Ryan Hummert passed (July 21, 2008), this is a bad month for all in Maplewood, especially them,” Barks said.

Wednesday night at the fire department the ladies served dinner to the Maplewood firefighters and police to show their appreciation.

Lions Auxiliary Ladies Karen Bish, Eileen Lencz, Kathy Lubbers and Heidi Barks (left to right) fed Maplewood firefighters and police dinner Wednesday night.
Maplewood Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary ladies Left to right Karen Bish, Eileen Lencz, Kathy Lubbers and Heidi Barks (left to right), fed Maplewood firefighters and police dinner Wednesday night. Photo courtesy Heidi Barks


  1. Great job, Karen, Eileen, Kathy and Heidi, ladies from the Knights of Columbus Auxiliary. All of Maplewood is proud of our firefighters, and our policemen. We rely on them for help, when we are in need of it, and they don’t disappoint us. So good of you to serve them a meal in thanks, and also in memory of their loss (and ours). Thank you ladies, also, for doing that for them.

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