Signal fixed at Manchester and Sutton

The signal has been fixed at southbound Sutton at Manchester.

If you’ve sat in your car on southbound Sutton Boulevard to make a left onto Manchester, waiting for the light to change, and it didn’t, it should now.

The signal has been fixed at southbound Sutton at Manchester.
The signal has been fixed at southbound Sutton at Manchester.

The city of Maplewood contracts with St. Louis County for traffic signal maintenance, according to public works director, Anthony Traxler, and Friday morning a crew was replacing the relay in the southbound left turn lane.

A resident told 40 South News three weeks ago that he had waited three or more cycles and it never turned green. He said once he had to get out of his car to hit the cross walk button to get it to change.

One of the employees with the contractor said relays go bad after five to seven years, and this one had. He said the relay in the lane heading straight south was OK.