St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School celebrates 100 days


Celebrating while helping others….The First Grade and Kindergarten classes at Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic School celebrated the 100th day of school.

DSCN9017The students did chores at home to earn canned goods for the Saint Vincent DePaul food pantry. The idea was that while celebrating the 100th day of school each child could bring in a can to help those less fortunate. While hoping for 100 cans the students actually collected over 300 cans for the food pantry.

The celebration began with the collecting and counting of the 100 cans in the Kindergarten class room. The kindergarten class decorated 100 day crowns and invited the rest of the school to join them in counting to 100. They made badges and counted out a 100 piece snack to enjoy while watching 101 Dalmatians. The First grade celebrated the day by writing 100 words that they have learned this year and sorting and graphing one hundred M&M’s that they could later enjoy as their snack.

This was such a fun day for the kids…not only have they learned how to count to 100 but they have also learned how great it is to answer God’s call to help others in the area.


