Former car lot likely to remain a car lot


The now vacant car lot in Maplewood at 7469 Manchester is likely to remain a car lot, Maplewood City Manager Marty Corcoran said Tuesday after the city council meeting.

Corcoran said the owner of the lot has been in the car business his whole life and would be surprised if he did anything else with it.

The lot is in Maplewood’s Special Business District where car lots aren’t allowed; this one was grandfathered in. If the lot is vacant for six months it would revert to the current zoning, but before that it can still be used as a car lot.

The office on the lot was built in 1956 according to St. Louis County records. It was being repainted on Wednesday.


  1. Hmmm… after just looking at Maplewood’s “abbreviated history” in the form of matchbook covers, I’m thinking I hope the property remains a car lot. Not everything has to change. Sometimes it’s just fine to stay the same.

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