What Brentwood homes sold for in August


Blockshopper.com lists the details of sold homes. The most recent information for Brentwood is August, 2014. The site lists 18 homes sold in the month, with a median price of $240,000. These are the top seven most expensive homes sold in August.

  1. 2437 High School Drive, $703, 761
  2. 26 Sussex Drive, 575,000
  3. 2019 St Clair Avenue, $415,000
  4. 9335 Pine Avenue, $379,000
  5. 9369 Parkside Drive, $300,000
  6. 1930 Parkridge Avenue, $294,000
  7. 8511 Douglas Court, $269,000

See also: What Maplewood homes sold for in August