2 Brentwood incumbent aldermen lose, was almost 3


Three new Brentwood aldermen will be sworn in, as David Dimmitt defeated incumbent Maureen Saunders, taking 65 percent of the vote; and Kathy O’Neill defeated incumbent Patrick Toohey 58 – 42 percent in the municipal election on April 5. Sunny Sims was unopposed in Ward 2. Ward 3 alderman, Andy Leahy held on to beat challenger Rocky Ritter, 50.45 – 48.64 percent, with an 8-vote margin.

Ward 1

  • David Dimmitt, 388
  • Maureen Saunders, 209

Ward 2

  • Sunny Sims, 164
  • write-in, 11

Ward 3

  • Andy Leahy, 223
  • John “Rocky” Ritter, 215

Ward 4

  • Patrick Toohey, 103
  • Kathy O’Neill, 144

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Kathy O’Neill campaigned in Ward 4 on Tuesday. She defeated incumbent Patrick Toohey.


Ward 3 Alderman Andy Leahy defeated challenger Rocky Ritter.
Ward 3 Alderman Andy Leahy defeated challenger Rocky Ritter.


  1. There have been several tries to comment here this morning but they were nothing more than anonymous personal attacks, so were not approved.

  2. I am very happy to hear that people are concerned about the vote on Boy’s and Girl’s Home. P & S voted 100% to have this and there were NO real reasons given for some votes……..except some block persons were opposed. It is their block but it would have been such an improvement. My one BOA person told me 3 xs he would tell me about the Brentwood constitution instead of telling me why he voted the way he did. This guy represents me?

      • Mr. Pubush, you voted the way that you want and the majority of the citizens voted against. That’s the way it is. Brentwood IS our neighborhood. And OUR neighborhood voted no.

        • And they have every right to protest the establishment of an institutional look building at the corner of long time residences. BHGH is good. THE TIMING WAS BAD. Good thing there is a 6 floor (urban zoned) apartment building going up—–If Brentwood REALLY wants educational re-enforcement — let this URBAN building in a neighborhood/some commercially zoned land be a national state of the art building to house students. Think hard: it begins with
          Get lost stupid Brentwood residents, you fools.
          Really think we want a promising educational benefit for excelling students?
          Evans-Rogers (Afr. Am) historical Black community was
          STEAMROLLED–there was NO effort to assist people to find
          other bread-winning positions in this stable neighborhood.
          I will B* about on my death bed—wrong is wrong.
          All the proponents for locating on Madge were imported outside of B’wd.
          Do the RIGHT THING and make the Urban 6 floor structure support our
          African American, and multi-cultured students who work at learning
          It was not the right time for Madge, and i really would like to know who is the whiner who is stuck with the property??? More was made out of that than the failure of the GHBH–yeah..change it up—failure. The crunchy roaches that will attend the 6 floor apt building will be your first tenants. Make the building edify Brentwood—not ubanize is. And give a drool towel to the developer as to not embarrass himself. B’WD IS BETTER THAN THIS

  3. You obviously didn’t ask Rocky Ritter about BHGH. Here’s what Dimmitt said:

    “It started back in August of 2013 with the defeat of Boys Hope Girls Hope. A number of us said we’re tired with how the board is operating and we decided to try to change things up. We knew we had an election 18 months later in April of 2015 and we knew we weren’t done — we had another election in April of 2016. So we’ve won some and we’ve lost some but we’re not done.”

    A great number of us ARE tired of how the Board is operating. You are free to vote as you please and are entitled to be happy that your guy won, but others have to ask, in the last 14 years: what has Alderman Leahy done to address flooding on Manchester? What has he done to improve the Manchester corridor? What has he done about the vacant housing in Ward 3? What has he done to hold property owners accountable for maintaining their property?

    Any answer he gives to these questions will be long on speech and short on results. Just look around if you don’t believe me. All of this affects us residents of Ward 3 most of all, so I guess that’s how we like it. I think we deserve better, but I am in the minority and so will have to wait for someone with the vision and ability to improve my Ward and my City.

    Congratulations to you and Alderman Leahy.

      • oH Jerry, the anonymous pubic has not done anything. ANDY LEAHY, however LISTENED to the residents–with a generous heart, a solid line of thought and did what his constituency ASKED him to do. Pub needs to go to the “washer-woman gossip happy hour” the mayor holds. I know how my animus B*slaps the mayor, but until he falls in line with the community as a whole, ….i ain’t got nottin’ else to offer.

  4. Incredible, wife shows me that other paper and we found out that Dimmit, Ritter and the like were all trying to get elected because they didn’t like the Boys hope vote…? After the election…the truth comes out. OMG$&?!! Not only did our whole family vote for Leahy. Prolly always will So tired of politicians… Hes one of the only guys who lets us know what goes on in that building that we trust. & we’ve agreed with every vote.

    • BHGH is a good program–but the timing was all wrong for the residents. Maybe the forces behind building a 6 story apartment complex could build a state of the art BHGH there. I promise: THERE IS NO REASON, BUT GREED. I did a write-in for my ward (II) , and voted for Andy Leahy. i was already confident that Sunny would win–so i voted with my conscience. That being said, I hope to see that residents’ rights and ownership of their own homes are respected and residents NOT DOUBLE TALKED by people who are NOT residents–as was the case. That proposal was an “in your face, you little residents”. NOBODY listened to the peoples’ concerns. In my mind I was certain Ritter would win, as Chris’s new towel boy. It will be interesting to see how closely he aligns himself to a mayor, who dabble in things “over his head” and faces no consequences. Mark Wilson would have been a genuinely fair and honorable mayor. Guess BOA is shaping up very nicely. Congratulations to all the selectees. We will have to see how the incumbents act on and reflect the RESIDENTS’ positions. That should not take long. Gratis to Doug Miner, whose professional reputation speaks for itself in balanced reporting.

      • Maureen, You have been harping about our city and its problems for a long time.
        Brentwood Blvd is still a mess. Manchester is still flooding, as well as the ball fields. Houses on the NORTH side of Brentwood are still flooding also. Could you try another way to contribute, please?

        • Hi Jerry, I am contributing; just not apologizing for anything. Manchester is not under the B’wd control, or it would be much better off. Plus I am saying turn the urban rezoned 6 story building apartments into something more edifying, like an invitation for more BHGH students, or subsidized student housing so close to the metrolink, students would be better served in pursuing Higher Education. And if you charge me with a litany of complaints—NAME THEM. I am very resident oriented. You either were not here, or you are very very forgetful on how B’wd disposed of our last and only HISTORICAL, STABLE, FAMILY NEIGHBORHOOD OF AFRICAN AMERICANS. I had an highly educated, beautiful Afr. Am. neighbor. It was an oversight, but she had curb refuse that was not looked up. She ASKED ME—-WHY?? I said i do not know, but it will not happen again. She asked is it because of my colour? To hear that from a woman of great achievement was a stab in my heart. It didn’t cross my mind until she asked me. I almost cried. So be specific,and not a lot of loose rhetoric to ask me to be quiet. Won’t happen. Too much needs to be done. Jerry, hope you had a good w/e.

          • BTW, write a detailed description of “THE PROBLEMS” of B’wd and i will site visit and respond. And it will be thorough. gratis, maureen


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