40 South News to-do list

What will happen with the former Church's Chicken?

40 South News stories sometimes come from something I notice, or someone else notices and tells me,  that causes a, “hmm, what’s going on there?” Then journalistic license allows me to be nosier than usual and check it out.

These are a few things that made me say, “hmm” lately. Feel free to pitch in if you know anything about anything here, or to add to it.

  • D&R Pawn seems to have been closed the last couple of days—what’s going on there, if anything?
  • What’s going to happen with the former Church’s Chicken corner? Church’s painted the building. They were about to board it up but were told that’s against Maplewood code.
  • Apparently folks on Myrtle Avenue aren’t happy with the contractor doing the work on their street.
  • What’s the latest at the former Black Cat Theatre building? Lots of work going on there.
  • Is Tim Rohan making any progress leasing his first floor space after Cafe on the Park fell through?
  • QuikTrip said their previous Maplewood location would be on the market soon, after getting clearance from Missouri Department of Natural Resources—what’s next? Also, why has it taken so long apparently for the Thorntons to get DNR clearance to build their State Farm agency on the former gas station site in Brentwood?
  • Keeping an eye on when the promised Einstein Bagels begins to renovate at the former Applegate’s. It’s been six months since Applegate’s closed.
  • Homeless folks hanging out in a Brentwood park?

Anything to add, folks?

What will happen with the former Church's Chicken?
What will happen with the former Church’s Chicken?


  1. Doug, do you know why the lot at the corner of sutton and flora ( the old dentist office) is still empty? Thought they were building another house?

  2. Saw a piece on Sauce about Art House Coffees opening up in the old Black Cat theatre, or at least I think that was the address.

    • You’re right, Ian. 40 South had something on this in May. Art House Coffee will be the back part of the north end of the Black Cat building, by the parking lot. Maybe it’s time to do an update. http://bit.ly/1ggvFs8

  3. The old Church’s Chicken turned into a parking lot ..?.. Sounds like the song ‘Yellow Taxi’ –> ‘They paved paradise and put up a parking lot….’ Hope for more than a parking lot 🙂

  4. Doug, thank you for keeping our community well informed! Do you know if the MRH board of education is interested in buying the lot that is for sale in front of the ECC (near Steak and Shake)?

  5. What about:
    -the two large spaces in Maplewood Square (by Shop n Save)?
    -a full time tenant for the old Monarch space?
    -the old TKO DJs/long ago Hardees?
    -the large white building between the CVS and the Smith Funeral Home?
    -the empty lot between CVS and Hazel Ave?
    -the old Quiznos/never opened Toasty Subs?

  6. I want to know why when you are at the sutton / manchester light (on the shop n save side and heading south) that the light will never turn green for you if you and others are waiting to head south. I have been at that light and waited for 3 or more cycles go through and it never turns green for me! I will watch the walk and no walk lights and see those change but my light will never turn green. The only times it will turn green is if someone hits the cross walk button to cross manchester. Or if someone on the other side of sutton heading north to shop n save stops at that light it will finally turn green. This has been happening for a month or so now and i have no clue who to contact about this or if this is how the light is suppose to work. I once had about 10 cars behind me one time and i had to get out of my car to hit the cross walk button to get it to changed. i was waiting for almost 10 min to cross. something is up with this light section.

    • Scott – I emailed the city public works director and he said they’d check out the lights at Manchester and Sutton ASAP.

      • Thank you! I thought i was crazy the first time it happened to me. Then it just kept on happening other times i was at that light! So i hope they find something or i’m just crazy but i don’t remember that light acting like that before.

      • I think the whole Manchester stretch between Big Bend and the city limits need to be looked at. It’s not at all odd to drive the proper speed and hit a number of red lights, if not all.

      • I will take a look when i drive there today. I haven’t run across a situation were there wasn’t anyone on the other side of the street yet. (which was the way the light would change only) But i notice they put some spray paint down in areas on that intersection side by the light sensors on the road. I’ll let you know once i know! Thanks for contracting them about this!

  7. Doug, thank you for keeping us all in the loop on the happenings. I love reading your updates. A couple more: progress on the Marietta brick buildings, tasting room, etc. Very interested in Church’s – would be a shame to just see a Schlafly expanded parking versus another business that could compliment the brewery. The 3-acre lot for sale next to Steak and Shake and ECC – any plans? Thanks again for your diligence and great reporting! PS: I went to Jen’s for the first time last month because I saw the ad on here.

  8. I have sources that say a coffee shop/bakery, specialty butcher, artists and a social work agency are going into the old black cat building. Sierra club too of course. People will likely be moving in around end of summer/early fall. Sources also claim some tenants will be using old harpers pharm shelving and cabinetry.

  9. What is going on with the old Dart Mart next to Wong’s? I saw some guys checking it out a few weeks ago, taking pics of the new QT, looking inside through the Windows, etc… and now it appears to be under construction of sorts?


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