5K run/walk to support milk bank

Milk Donor Dash

Amber Sky, the resource center and photography studio for families at 3100 Sutton Boulevard, is set to sponsor a run/walk in Maplewood.

The 5K run/walk, a “baby wearing and baby bearing” walk and a kids’ 50 yard dash will be Aug. 30. The 5K starts at 7:30 a.m.

Milk Donor Dash
Milk Donor Dash

Vendors with products for families and babies will set up at the Sutton Loop Park, which is currently under renovation. “It’s nice that they’re getting it all beautified for us,” Amber Sky proprietor and race organizer, Jaime Lueders said.

Lueders’ goal for the event is to raise $6,000 for the Indiana Mothers’ Milk Bank, which has a milk depot at St. Louis Cardinal Glennon. Mothers with extra breast milk can donate it there, Lueders said. It’s sent to IMMB, where it’s pasteurized, frozen and distributed to help premature babies that need it.

Lueders said mother’s milk helps premature babies recover faster. “Basically it’s like medicine for preemies,” she said.

The course will go north on Sutton Boulevard across Manchester Road, then head east then south and back down across the railroad tracks before going back up Sutton.

For more information go to the event’s Facebook page.


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