Harper’s Pharmacy cabinets put to use


The Sierra Club caused a commotion in Maplewood when announced it didn’t need the cabinets that were original to the space they were to rent on Sutton Boulevard—the former Harper’s Pharmacy.

photo 2(3)Both the environmental group and building owner David Schlafly were un-budging about the cabinets being removed.

As the building has been rehabbed and leased, the cabinets have been stored in the basement, with word from Schlafly that they’d be used elsewhere in the building.

photo 3(1)Now several sections of the cabinets contain buttons, fabric and other art supplies at Spirited Hands Art (3111 Sutton Boulevard).

Director of Bridges Community Support, Barry Larson, said as many of the cabinets as possible will be used throughout the building, including Bolyard’s Meat & Provisions (butcher shop), Living Room (coffee and bakery) and Bridges.

Spirited Hands Art is planning an open house Oct. 7 at 5 p.m.photo 1(3)


  1. It is good that the cabinets are staying in the building. I am very grateful that these more sensitive business owners are incorporating them into their new spaces. I hope they stay there for a very long time. I remain concerned that they will slowly disappear over time.


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