Police plan for possible civil unrest following Michael Brown verdict

Michael Brown protesters chanted for about an hour outside the Maplewood Walmart in October.

Maplewood Chief of Police Steve Kruse said Monday by phone to 40 South News that residents have called to ask if Maplewood Police has a plan to handle possible unrest following the upcoming grand jury verdict in the Michael Brown case.

Kruse said the department has an emergency response plan and backup plans, should civil unrest occur within Maplewood. He said Maplewood Police is working in conjunction with other municipalities.

Brentwood Chief of Police Dan Fitzgerald told 40 South News by email Tuesday that he has been meeting with city officials and Brentwood officers to prepare for what may happen.

Richmond Heights Police Sergeant Gerry Rohr told 40 South News that the department has a “contingency plan in place that will take effect in the event of any civil unrest.” He could give no details.

A landlord of several businesses in The Boulevard, in Richmond Heights, sent the businesses a letter warning them of possible unrest following the decision.

See also: Michael Brown protesters target Maplewood Walmart, Maplewood Walmart removes ammunition

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  1. Here’s hoping the police are also meeting with civic leaders, official and unofficial, who have influence within the potential protest groups.

  2. S – Here’s what Chief Fitzgerald said, by email – it’s been added to the story. “We have been meeting with city officials and with our officers to prepare for what may happen.”


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