Monday meeting with McDonald’s for Ellis Avenue residents only

McDonald's plans removal of 7517 and 7519 Ellis Avenue.

Residents of the 7500 block Ellis Avenue received a letter Dec. 13 from Tom Maraist, real estate manager for McDonald’s informing them of a plan for a new McDonald’s on the southwest corner of Manchester and Big Bend, the current location of Schaefer Shell.

The letter invited them of a meeting at the Maplewood Public Library Monday at 6:30 p.m. to answer their questions about the proposed development.

Maraist told 40 South News by phone on Friday that the meeting is only for residents of Ellis Avenue, and that the city asked McDonald’s to call the meeting so those most directly affected could talk with McDonald’s representatives without extra voices.

He said he understands that some people are “hot” about the plan, but it’s his job to meet with the residents and listen and answer questions. He said anyone who wants to shake their fist at someone should do it at their councilman, not him.

McDonald’s will present site plans at the planning and zoning meeting on Jan. 5 at 7 p.m. at Maplewood City Hall, which is open to the public and public comments. Correction: This article previously stated public comments are not part of planning and zoning meetings, which is incorrect.

A public hearing before the city council will take place at either the Jan. 27 or Feb. 10 meetings.

See also: McDonald’s announces plan for Manchester and Big Bend


  1. So what happens when non-Ellis residents show up at tonight’s meeting? All of us on surrounding blocks have significant concerns as well. Is the purpose of this meeting to simply to pacify the neighbors & let Ellis residents “vent” their overwhelming irritation and dismay that McDonald’s is pushing their way in because it’s yet another big business & there’s really nothing residents can do anyway?

    • Go anyway….if they try to check without telling people to bring proof that will cause issues or if they turn people away they will have to deal with a pissed off ccommunity

  2. As I do not live on Ellis – I believe those people have the most to lose/gain and I respect those feelings as I am sure I would not be happy. Yet to play devil’s advocate…No matter what businesses are present when purchased – a choice was made to purchase that close to a main intersection, with businesses as immediate neighbors. Change is always a possibility and many times unavoidable. Though not saying it is fair, it was (and will always be) a possibility no matter if the purchase was 5 yrs ago or 20.

    I will say that I have friends who live about 4 blocks away from a new McDonalds in overland. And though they like the new intersection created and some dilapidated buildings being torn down — they were not prepared for the amount of litter that has taken over…apparently there were already rodent problems in the area and they have increased due to the litter.

  3. In my opinion a far better location for a new McDonalds in Maplewood would be the site of the present Family Video/pizzeria directly across the access drive from the old McDonalds. Great visibility from Big Bend, and it would be an anchor to the now thriving Deer Creek shopping area. There are no immediate residential neighbors. And, it is above the 500 year flood line. The old McDonalds at Deer Creek is in the flood plain. That is why rebuilding it is so problematical.

    • A decent thought – yet the reasons you state the location would be good for McDonald’s are probably the very reasons that Family Video built there. Considering they moved in before Deer Creek was revitalized and gave Deer Creek (not to mention some other location besides the business district in Maplewood) a shot in the arm – I almost feel it is rude to say they could ‘go’. I know I am old school, but I am by far not the only person that rents movies 🙂 They appear to have a pretty brisk business and made a smart move by adding the Mario’s. What is more convenient than having a pizza and a movie delivered to the babysitter, or in bad weather? lol On the flip side – the Shell station has appeared to be dying a slow death for over a decade – and with the new businesses on the other corners, the real estate value (cost to rent) is increasing… Yes, big bend is busy, but not anywhere near as busy as the corner of two main roadways. Absolutely willing to ‘bet the farm’ that corner will change — even if the McDonalds doesn’t go through – we’ll be here again very shortly with some other big chain… Unfortunately it appears the writing is on the wall for those Ellis residents.

  4. Food for thought. Per Google Maps from 7500 Ellis Ave the following McDonald’s are this far away:
    -Hanley Rd: 1.6 miles/5 minute drive
    -Webster Old Orchard: 1.7 miles/6 minute drive
    -Shrewsbury: 2.6 miles/6 minute drive
    -Hampton Ave: 3.4 miles/7 minute drive

    Do they really think the area in under-served?

  5. Public comment is ALWAYS permitted and is in fact encouraged at Planning and Zoning meetings in Maplewood. I would encourage any and all who are concerned about the McDonalds proposal to attend the P+Z meeting and make your objections known. You can be sure that McDonald”s representatives will be there and will make a strong case for approval.
    Also, written comments are often received from persons who cannot attend the meeting in person. The written comments are presented to the board members.

    • Tom, maybe you or someone else can help… Before I consider shaking my fist at my councilman, I would like to hear what the plan is first. Is there an full presentation given at the P/Z meeting by McDs reps? or is the plan already known by most in the room and it is primarily an opportunity for further comments from both sides before a vote is taken?

      • The members of the Planning Commission will have already received the site plan, architects drawings, perhaps the surveyors plat, etc. All this will be in an email as PDF attachments which are rather tiny. All of the actual documents will be at the meeting full scale. Both the members of the P+Z as well as the public can view them before the meeting commences.
        In addition, all of the documents can be viewed by anyone at City Hall at any time that it is open. You would not have to wait until the meeting to see them.

      • Tom, can you please share with us who the councilman is that Mr. Mariast is referring to that we are supposed to direct our “fist shaking” (concerns) at? Seems like Mr. Mariast is already taking a “don’t blame me” attitude.


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