Restaurants, more in the news


Some Brentwood and Maplewood spots—especially restaurants—have made the news lately. Here’s a rundown, in no particular order

  • The St. Louis Post-Dispatch food critic named A  Pizza Story as one of the 10 best new restaurants to open in 2014.
  • Diners in Brentwood, Maplewood and one nearby were noted in an “8 Best Diners” post in the Riverfront Times
  • Surf your way to fitness in Brentwood, via Fox 2 News.
  • Kakao Chocolate won a national award for one of its chocolates. The Riverfront Times and Feast Magazine reported on it.
  • The Crow’s Nest makes a Riverfront Times list of great bars where not to see the big game.
  • Feast Magazine listed its most anticipated restaurant openings in 2015 in all of Missouri, and Athlete Eats in Brentwood and a Strange Donuts/Seoul Taco collaboration made the list.
  • Feast Magazine reports on “How Strange Donuts Conquered St. Louis”
  • KMOX interviewed Strange Donuts owner Corey Smale about his plan to buy the Rams.
  • Sauce Magazine listed Bolyard’s Meat & Provisions as a “must try” spot.
  • Sauce also did a sneak peek review of Bolyard’s.
  • Bolyard’s broth made a St. Louis Magazine list of soups to soothe the soul.
  • In November, Sauce did a review of Larder & Cupboard.
  • Sauce also interviewed Larder & Cupboard’s manager, Cindy Higgerson.



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