Candidates file for Brentwood school board, city officials elections


As of the morning of Dec. 13 three candidates have filed to run for the two school board director positions on the ballot in the April 2019 municipal elections. Lois Truman filed when the district office opened on Tuesday, and is hoping her third time as a candidate will be successful.

Candidates whose current terms end April 2019 are Melissa Nehrt and Kerry Trostel. Last day to file is Tuesday, January 15 at 5 p.m. The school board candidates, in order of filing, so far, are:

  • Lois Truman
  • Melissa Nerht
  • Kerry Troste

In the Brentwood Board of Aldermen elections, one aldermanic seat per ward will be voted on, plus mayor.

  • Ward 1 — David Plufka, (his term expires)
  • Ward 2 — no candidates yet, (Brandon Wegge’s term expires)
  • Ward 3 — Steve Lochmoeller, (his term expires)
  • Ward 4 – Tom Kramer (term expires)
  • Mayor — David Dimmitt (Chris Thornton’s term expires)




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