McDonald’s to present at April planning and zoning: council member

The new McDonald's would be on the corner currently used by Shaefer Shell.

McDonald’s corporate representatives will now present their plans for a McDonald’s on the southwest corner of Manchester and Big Bend at the Maplewood Planning and Zoning meeting on Wednesday, April 1 at 7 p.m., Ward 3 council member, Shawn Faulkingham posted on his Facebook page Thursday afternoon.

He said lawyers representing the company officially requested a continuance. Maplewood City Manger Marty Corcoran confirmed they won’t be at the March meeting with an email to 40 South News: “McDonald’s will not be on the March 4 agenda.”

McDonald’s had planned on presenting at the March 4 planning and zoning meeting, and the city sent a letter to residents of Ellis Avenue, but several days later backed out. See also: McDonald’s set to appear at March plan and zoning: resident

So far, the only meeting McDonald’s has had was with Ellis Avenue residents at the library in December. See also: Site plans for proposed Maplewood McDonald’s

The new McDonald's would be on the corner currently used by Shaefer Shell.
The new McDonald’s would be on the corner currently used by Shaefer Shell.


  1. I am really hoping to be able to attend the P&Z meeting at which McDonald’s presents. I do not believe the company is a good fit for that corner or for our neighborhood. Also, the rezoning of two properties (?) concerns me greatly. What is our long term vision for Maplewood? If feedback and community input is indeed welcome, I hope this April 1 date sticks. The uncertainty of the date is going to inhibit attendance.

    • I agree, Stephanie. We definitely need to think long term in these situations, and not simply dollar signs which in the end could lower the value of our amazing town.


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