Hidden Figures in St. Louis’s African-American History

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    Date(s) - 02/07/2019
    6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

    Maplewood Public Library


    St. Louis has a rich and enduring African-American legacy, much of which we often aren’t aware of, have forgotten, or were never taught about. St. Louis’s African-American history is very much intertwined with the history of our country & involves so many local stories.

    Stories & events that include names like Carter G. Woodson, Elizabeth Keckley, Dred & Harriet Scott, Miles Davis, and many others. St. Louis has a very unique museum which teaches about these and so many others figures. It is known as “The Griot Museum of Black History”. The term “griot” refers to someone who collects, shares, and preserves the stories and traditions of the community. Join Ms. Gail Delaney from The Griot who will share some of these stories from St. Louis’s African-American legacy. You will be able to look at and handle various artifacts, participate in an interactive portion, and hear more about The Griot.


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