Gus’s Fried Chicken on Maplewood council, design & review agendas


Maplewood City Council and Design & Review Board are meeting this week; the agendas have been published on the city site. Gus’s Fried Chicken and the Ryan Hummert Memorial are on the council agenda.

City Council agenda, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.

  • Public hearing to hear citizen’s comments on a request to operate a Gus’s World Famous Fried Chicken at 7434 Manchester Road, with a beer and wine liquor license.
  • A resolution to accept a bid not to exceed $334,471 for construction of the Ryan Hummert Memorial.
  • An ordinance granting a conditional use permit to Jane Zimmermann of Gus’s World Famous Fried Chicken to operate a restaurant at 7434 Manchester Road.

Design & Review Board agenda, Thursday, 6 p.m.

  • Urban Breath Yoga (2812 Sutton Boulevard), projecting sign
  • Gus’s Fried Chicken (7434 Manchester Road), building addition, exterior alterations and  projecting sign
  • LaChef Catering (7169 Manchester Avenue), window display sign




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