Chairwoman Lisa Clancy endorses Elizabeth Warren, to canvas on Sunday


 St. Louis County Council Chairwoman Lisa Clancy has announced she is endorsing Elizabeth Warren for President of the United States, and invites an anyone to canvas with her on Sunday, Feb. 23.

Clancy’s announcement:

Dear friends and neighbors,

As the Chairwoman of the St. Louis County Council, I’m focused on local government and I know you’re counting on me to make the right decisions on policy issues that impact our everyday lives right here at home. But my mind has also been elsewhere lately: I’ve been imagining what it will look like to have a President that not only serves with honor, integrity, and a big heart, but shares the same priorities that are important to us: ending government corruption, building a green economy, making sure everyone has a decent, affordable place to live, and so much more…all with a lens of equity and opportunity for all.

This is why I’m proud to endorse Elizabeth Warren for President of the United States. Senator Warren and I share the same goals– to fight for working families like yours and mine. Her bold policy ideas are backed up with realistic, prudent plans, and I know more families, from the beginning to the end of life, will have what they need to thrive when she’s President.

Our Presidential Primary is coming up on March 10, and I’m hitting the pavement this weekend with my colleague, City of St. Louis Alderwoman Annie Rice, to get the word out about Elizabeth Warren and why we need to send her to the White House. I’m counting on you to join us to hear more about why we support Elizabeth Warren and to help us talk to fellow voters.

St. Louis Canvass Launch with St. Louis County Council Chairwoman Lisa Clancy and St. Louis Alderwoman Annie Rice
Sunday, February 23rd – 12:00 PM
St. Louis for Warren Field Office
2721 Sutton Blvd
Maplewood, MO 63143

RSVP here – Make sure to check February 23 – 12 PM to 3 PM!

We need you. Please plan to join me, Alderwoman Rice, and Warren staff from all over the state on Sunday.


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