Feast TV covers Strange Donuts, What’s next for the Strange partners?


Maplewood’s Strange Donuts has again grabbed media attention, this time with a segment in the Emmy-winning Feast TV.

The Strange piece is the second one featured, and starts at around five and a half minutes
into it, if you’d like to skip ahead.

Strange Donut partner, Corey Smale, says the Strange philosophy is about being authentic.

“You always want to be yourself. There’s one of you, so you should own that,” Smale told Feast TV.

For the future, Smale said, “We want to get doughnuts to as many people as we can, while still retaining an experience and a relationship with our customers that is fun and delicious and still into creativity. We call it strange.”

He said they’re inspired to think about what’s next. “Certainly it will be cool, and definitely it will be strange,” he said.


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