Book House renovation underway

The Book House is moving to Maplewood's historic shopping district. Renovation has begun.
The Book House is moving to Maplewood's historic shopping district. Renovation has begun.

The Book House is midstream moving from Rock Hill to 7352 Manchester Road in Maplewood. The new location is a former department store in Maplewood’s historic shopping district. (This previously listed the old, Rock Hill address. It’s now correct. Sorry for any confusion.)

Demolition has begun on the main floor, while 200,000 books are warehoused in the basement. That’s also where the office is for now. The renovation will be accomplished in three phases, and may take more than a year, but the store will be open before it’s completely done.

Owner, Michelle Barron hasn’t announced an opening date. Barron has said her online store is always open, and the phone number remains the same.


  1. 7352 Manchester Road is the correct address for The Book House in Maplewood. The article incorrectly states 9719 Manchester Road.


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