Lawn Party! Free food & entertainment!

Serve 2015

3d Community puzzle

Join us this Saturday (September 12th) from 11am – 2pm at Maplewood United Methodist Church for our annual SERVE lawn party.  We are located at the corner of Sutton & Flora in Maplewood.

Hotdogs, snowcones, a bouncy house for the kids and more!  Join us for the lawn part from 11am – 2pm on Saturday.  All are welcome!

SERVE is our annual day of service to the community.  Each year we host a lawn party forServe 2015the community.  Our family at MUMC helps in the community, usually doing yard work and helping with household repairs for those less fortunate.

Our 2nd time around shop will be open from 9am – 2pm, where you can purchase DEEPLY discounted items ranging from clothings (kids and adult) to household items.

snowcones hotdog


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