Brentwood 2016 budget hearing to be December 7


A public hearing for the 2016 Brentwood city budget will take place at the Brentwood Board of Aldermen meeting Monday, Dec. 7 at 7 p.m. The notice below is on the bulletin board in Brentwood City Hall.


The information below regarding the 2016 Brentwood budget are from a presentation given by city administrator, Bola Akande to the Ways and Means Committee at its November meeting.

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  1. Thank you to Doug for publishing the notice of the Public Hearing for Dec. 7. Even though the Board of Aldermen established a policy of staggered readings for ordinances, both readings and the vote on the budget are scheduled. The other two items were from Administrator Akande”s powerpoint budget presentation to the November Ways and Means Committee meeting. Seeing that the largest budget proposals were highlighted I solicited a copy which Bola graciously provided. One page details 4.5 new hires at a cost of $337,639. In the section on Parks and Rec. the transfer of 8 Public Works employees to a new Parks maintenance dept. requires the hiring of a superintendent at a cost of $75,085. Total dollars for new positions: $412724.
    I believed the adoption of a comprehensive pay plan signalled an attempt to reduce the cost of government. I hoped other efficiencies and economies could free up funds for such capital improvements as pocket parks , streetside benches , rebuilding the community forest.
    I caught a program called “Open Mind” on one of the Channels 9 ( which featured Annika Savill, director of the United Nations Democracy Fund. The discussion ranged from the causes of the Arab spring to the concentration of wealth and inequality. I was struck by this statement: “Since the gap between rich and poor exists in virtually every country, is it really enough to compensate that frustration with the right to vote every few years? You ask yourself, is that a democracy?”
    A lot of us braved the cold rain and wind last April to cast our ballots and congratulate ourselves for doing our civic duty. That ballot changed the players. Now, how do we change the game?


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