Maplewood city council in the news; ‘Witnessing Whiteness’ meetings coming; MRH grad obit


The St. Louis Post-Dispatch and KMOV have reported on Maplewood city council proposals. Also, meetings will be held in Maplewood around a new book on anti-racsim.

KMOV‘Maplewood is a trailblazer’: City mulling new position that provides legal counsel for some misdemeanor traffic offenses

KMOVAt-large warrant issued for teenager in Maplewood homicide, 2 juveniles also suspects

St. Louis Post-Dispatch Holleman: Maplewood remains tight-lipped on search for new city manager

St. Louis Public RadioHow St. Louis inspired ‘Witnessing Whiteness’ author and her new book on anti-racism [Meetings to be held at Maplewood United Methodist January – April 2024, signup on Maplewood, MO Facebook]

Legacy.comGeorge Sweet obituary [MRH ’54 grad]


  1. Hello, I can’t find anything about the anti-racism April 2024 meetings on the Maplewood page. Do you have any more details? Thanks!


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