Hi-Fi Fo-Fum demo makes way for Big Shark Bicycle


The 2-story section of the former Hi-Fi Fo-Fum in Richmond Heights — the southern half of the business — was slated to be demolished as part of Big Shark Bicycle Company moving to the corner. The demolition began on Monday.

Big Shark owner Jack Weiss has said it was structurally unsafe and could not be renovated. The area will become 22 parking spaces and landscaping. According to nextSTL, the shop will occupy the building in north end of the site — approximately 7,000 square feet.

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Rendering of the future Big Shark Bicycle on the corner
Rendering of the future Big Shark Bicycle on the corner


    • I agree it’s a shame that a portion of the Art Deco building has been demolished but if it was unsafe it had to be done. I wish that they would have left the glass block windows on the first level though. That place was a landmark in my opinion.


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