Maplewood History: Vote Yes On Prop Y


It costs a lot to educate our students. That nobody can deny. Could it be done for less money than we now spend? Maybe. But not without a reshuffling of the whole cast of folks now in charge of the MRH School District. Would that be worth it? Absolutely not.

The folks in charge are doing a first rate job.  I go by the families within my sphere who have children in the district. They all love it. Their kids love it. I want to support the people who created and maintain this environment.

I know and respect Dave Cerven. I disagree with him on this issue. Good schools are at the top of the list of things important to the health of a community. I want ours to have enough money to be up there with the best.

That is why I am voting Yes on Prop Y.  I hope you will as well.

Doug Houser

The above is my opinion and should not be mistaken for the position of the management of 40 South News.

Bartold School 1888. also known as Bartold Valley school after Bartold Valley which must have had an early post office. Bartold valley was located where Manchester and Hanley now intersect. Courtesy of the Maplewood Public Library.
Bartold School 1888. Also known as Bartold Valley school after Bartold Valley which must have had an early post office. Bartold Valley was located where Manchester and Hanley now intersect. Courtesy of the Maplewood Public Library.
The Maplewood school, to confuse htings further was later known as Valley School until it was razed sometime in the 1950's. what looks like a frame building directly behind this brick one may have been the original Bartold Valley school building. I recall reading a newspaper clipping at our library that this building was later moved to wooddland Ave. and converted into a residence. I have no idea if it still exists. Gift of the Ratkowski-Houser Foundation to the Maplewood Public Library 2015
This Maplewood School, to confuse things further, was later known as Valley School until it was razed sometime in the 1950’s. What looks like a frame building directly behind this brick one may have been the original Bartold Valley School building. I recall reading a newspaper clipping at our library that this building was later moved to Woodland Ave. and converted into a residence. I have no idea if it still exists. The location of this photo was directly across Manchester from our present day City Hall.  Gift of the Ratkowski-Houser Foundation to the Maplewood Public Library 2015
Original is gift of the Ratkowski-Houser Foundation to the Maplewood Public Library
Original is a gift of the Ratkowski-Houser Foundation to the Maplewood Public Library.
Courtesy of the Maplewood Public Library.
Courtesy of the Maplewood Public Library.
Courtesy of the Maplewood Public Library.
Courtesy of the Maplewood Public Library.
Japanese Girls - gift of Maxine Fellhauer.
Japanese Girls.  Courtesy of Maxine Fellhauer.
Courtesy of the Maplewood Public Library. Vote YES on Prop Y. Do it for the kids.
Courtesy of the Maplewood Public Library. Vote YES on Prop Y. Do it for the kids!


See also, on the MRH Prop Y (from 40 South News ‘management’):


  1. Of course we all have differing political/philosophical/fiscal opinions. However, despite our differences, I implore anyone considering a no vote today to *please* reconsider. Let’s all stand together now to vote Yes on Prop Y, because MRH must continue to make forward progress. Our teachers and staff work tirelessly and selflessly, they give their hearts and souls, and so much of their time and effort to our kids; as they teach, they guide our children to learn and think like global citizens, to become creative problem solvers and empathetic, thoughtful leaders. MRH is a truly special and unique school district; we are blessed to have some of the most compassionate, creative, bright, and talented professional educators (and countless volunteers) who dedicate themselves; they work extremely hard for all of our children. Now is not the time to fight against our success and reverse the momentum that we’ve started to achieve. To try to push all that we have achieved backwards now will serve no one and will only harm MRH and our community. If you want to see your community’s public schools continue to thrive and your home values continue to rise, I hope that you will vote YES on Prop Y today. I wish to see MRH continue to move forward on a path of success, so I am voting YES on Prop Y today 🙂

  2. I want the best education for my two boys and the other students who attend MRH schools. I will be voting Yes for Prop Y tomorrow. Keep MRH Strong !

  3. I am personally voting No on Y. I believe with what looks to be, by comparison to other school districts, a more than adequate amount of revenue, that the leadership of this school district should work smarter in order to get good results for the benefit of the children in MRH. It seems like the solution is always threatening us all by what will be cut, hence their solution is more money and raising taxes on the residents. Could it not be that the real problem is that they are not utilizing the operating capital they have in a better way to educate are children, getting more creative and making good things happen with that they have? It seems like they always want the easier solution, more money, more taxes? I was rather amazed in how we compare to other districts. Maybe there is need for a change in the leadership of our school district if they cannot take $28 million in revenue and manage more effectively and efficiently, providing good education for our kids in Maplewood and Richmond Heights. I am all for good public schools, for great public schools, for children getting an education to benefit from their entire life, but, continued tax increases could actually harm our city as well if in the long run we do not demand better results from MRH school district leadership, utilizing the revenue they have to work with.

    • Thank you Doug! I am voting YES on Prop Y because I want to keep MRH strong. Now is NOT the time to stop the forward momentum MRH has achieved–or even worse, go backwards–when so much forward progress has been made. PEACE 🙂

    • Jeff, you ask, “Could it not be that the real problem is that they are not utilizing the operating capital they have in a better way to educate (our) children, getting more creative and making good things happen with (what) they have?” Yes that could be but how are you going to tell? I’ve lived in Maplewood for 40 years and I’ve seen this school district turned around. They needed money and talent to do it and fortunately they got both. I’ve no desire to see things slip. I consider Maplewood a bargain for I pay much less in taxes than I would for an equivalent property in a neighboring community with a lower tax rate.
      I appreciate your taking the time to express your opinion.

  4. Doug, thank you for the important perspective and information you provide to our neighborhoods through your work. Thank you for your support of the MRH school district. My husband and I know of no other way to protect, stabilize and increase our property value than through the enormous impact that a great public school district can provide to students and their community. Like hundreds of our neighbors, we always support tax and bond issues for MRH. More importantly, we are sure that a unique district like MRH prepares students to engage in higher education, enjoyable and productive work, civic service and much more. Thank you, Doug.

  5. Doug, I don’t know what your property taxes are, but ours are through the the roof. It is my understanding that Maplewood has the third highest prop tax rate in St. Louis. I’ve always voted for school tax increases, even though I have no children in the school system, because I know that a good school system is advantageous for the community, but I’m starting to feel as if someone is taking advantage of me! I could buy a vacation home in a nice destination location and not pay taxes this high.

    • Well Ralf, we have a high property tax rate. That’s true. I suggest that the tax rate is only one of the pieces of this puzzle. I know you. You are a friend of mine and I respect your opinion. We both know that if it were possible to move your big beautiful home to Webster Groves you would be taxed at a lower rate. But you would be paying much more in taxes. Probably a couple of thousand more, don’t you think? Look at it this way, we have the benefit of a location as good or better than Webster Groves, we can own a very nice home in a safe neighborhood and keep much more of our hard earned cash than we could in Webster. Ralf, I’ve read the material from the school district. I feel they’ve done a good job making their case. I am personally not against paying taxes but I am very much against having our tax money wasted. If anyone sees any of that, they should bring it to our attention. I truly appreciate your comment.

    • I’ve lived here for almost 25 years, MRH, has come a long way. My 2 children, a nephew, we’re educated here, my grandson currently attends. I’ve always supported the schools propositions. And they have rewarded this community well. I served 3 terms on MRH’s BOE, and I’m tremendously proud of where it come. It is a premier district, one of the best in the state and arguably in the nation. Quality education is not cheap! I’m voting YES! for Prop Y, because the schools are the magnet that attracts families and are the center and stable vibrant Community. If you love your community, Join me in a few hours and vote YES on Y!


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