Brentwood agenda: bills on conflict of interest, sex offenders


Brentwood Board of Aldermen at its regular meeting on Monday are set to vote on bills approving an asphalt contractor, limiting parking on Eager Road, requiring city officials to disclose conflicts of interest, limiting the distance sex offenders can live from a school and others. See the full agenda.

  • Bid selection for milling and asphalt overlay on Swan Circle, Rosalie Avenue, Madge Avenue Stratford Lane, White Avenue, Florence Avenue, Annalee Avenue and Brazeau Alley in spring 2016.
  • Parts of Eager Road to be made no parking because of limited sight distances for some drivers.
  • An ordinance requiring city elected officials to disclose financial or personal conflicts of interest in matters affecting the city, requiring them to be independent, impartial and responsible to the residents.
  • An ordinance to expand regulations that protect children from convicted sex offenders and violent criminals, prohibiting them from living within 1,000 feet of a school.
  • An ordinance to split 2419 Annalee into two parcels.
  • An ordinance approving N.B. West Contracting to do Brentwood asphalt projects
  • An ordinance to subdivide 8815 Litzsinger Road into three parcels.


  1. The pervs don’t need to go around the schools. Just go to Target. Could hang out there all day. Target officially invites them.

      • Love you Liz—but i have to cop that it really is me. I was systematically molested by a “family friend” when I was a child. I am really sensitive to the need for children to always feel like it 1)is not their fault, and 2) they did a very good thing telling a loving adult (for me, it was my mother and father.) just like now, and your disappointment at my egregious response, this ‘man’ had NO idea how close i was to taking him down, anyway i could, in front of my whole family, and getting the police involved. anyway, it’s late, so sleep with the angels. maureen

      • Hi Brandon, please read response to Liz. I never like to trigger negatives in good people—even though i do! (smile!!) maureen

        • While I am very sorry that such a horrible thing happened to you, I don’t see how it is related to the topic at hand. Was your abuser a transgendered person in a public restroom?

          We can not legislate based on hypothetical situations. If we did that, no one would be allowed to do anything. Just because someone “might” choke someone to death with a telephone cord doesn’t mean we should ban telephone cords. Most people will use them responsibly.

          Sure, somebody may pretend to be transgendered to get into a girls bathroom and do bad things, but the vast majority won’t. And if somebody is that hellbent on doing unspeakable acts, they are going to do it anyway. We are supposed to be free in this country, but it seems as though the religious right only wants that if you are a follower of their respective dogma. (This coming from a guy that has never voted anything but republican.)

          • My molester very well may have had other deviant problems. Pedophile generally do not stop at on-going attempts. They break other laws, hurting other children–right from their own home pc. so why is signage on the bathroom door going to discourage them? And just like most deviants, they are by all appearances “normal.”

            What a “thumbs-up” sign for on-line shopping.

    • So, I keep waiting for someone to come out and say that Maureen is an entirely fake person and we are all part of a giant gag. I mean there no way that this illiterate hate spewing self righteous Internet troll named Maureen is an actual person.

      • Sorry, Kevin–do not know who you are—so i have to leave my “snark” response to you in place. Maybe you will come clean with who you are, so i can reasonably respond to you. Until then, sleep with the angels. maureen

      • I think you are right Kevin. Some of the outlandish prose and nonsensical ravings on 40 South and Nextdoor lead me to believe as you that no one is really this screwed up and she is a fake person.

        • Like Kevin, you have no credibility in the closet. This leaves you in, what was that status you and Kevin bring to the table?….Oh! “Irrelevant status.” Well at least you found each other, and really boys…isn’t that the old theme of B’wood? “Good ole boys” migrating to each other–those days are finished, or did you both miss that? Unidentifiable boys in closets offer nothing. Grow up. maureen

          • Lol, it only gets better. The drabble from maureen is endless. At no point did you come to what can be considered a coherent thought. I award you points and may God have mercy on your soul.

    • If you are personally short sighted and took it literally, that’s your problem. I made the point i intended to make: IT DOES NOT WORK. Or shall we discuss the differences in crimes of opportunity versus skilled crimes against children? I quit living on getting “everyone’s OK” on my positions when i was 13. i am now 60. So please don’t waste your antagonism on me…And i do recognize the respondents. i am on your side. i have 2 bad hot-buttons; human abusers and traffickers (including the less organized offenders) is one of them. Thanks for your input. Sincerely. Not an excuse: my mom had a major health event, so i have ambient anger and am tired of crying. your neighbor maureen

  2. Regarding the sex offender ordinance, does anyone know if other municipalities have passed something similar? I’m very glad Brentwood is putting this forward.


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