Mayor Kelly’s ‘code of conduct’ is on BOA agenda as a resolution

Brentwood mayor Pat Kelly spoke to about 20 residents at a coffee Friday morning.

Brentwood mayor Pat Kelly said in his monthly coffee on Friday that residents have complained about a code of conduct for city officials but it’s never gone anywhere, so now he’s doing something about it. Kelly’s ‘City Officials Code of Conduct’ is on the agenda as a resolution for Monday’s meeting.

“I actually did my own research and put together a code of conduct for the elected officials,” he said in the meeting on Friday.

In the Jan. 14 BOA meeting Kelly was on the agenda to submit the code but he did not; even though, residents spoke in opposition to it. A rule in the code (Rule 3) requiring the entire board to vote before an individual alderman could ask a city staff member for help getting information drew criticism.

Kelly said there have been ‘theories and scandals’ because he wrote and submitted a code of conduct.

“You get criticized at the the board of aldermen meeting by some of our residents who say, ‘You wrote this!’ I say, yes I did. Nobody else was going to do it.

“The way our government is supposed to work, is, if I have an idea, I submit my idea,” he said. “If the board of aldermen doesn’t like it, make a motion and vote it down and get on with it.”

Also scheduled for Monday is a closed meeting at 6 p.m.

Kelly said on Friday it is for further talks with representatives the East Central Dispatch Center. He said he would ask them to speak at the open meeting, though that is not currently on the agenda.

See also:


    • I was not hired by the city, I volunteed my time for a postion that was available and I was appointed by the BOA. A small monhtly stipend is awarded each month.

    • I could haved stay anoymous but I chose not to as think if I going to speak out people should know who I am. I volunteered to sit on the P&Z commission that is true, I would would think you want someone willing to speak thier mind on issues and if that is being a lobbyist for P&Z I guess I am guilty of that.

      What I do not understand is what would that have to do with me, a citizen and tax payer of Brentwood, having the right to voice my opinion on any subject.

  1. Is Cindy Manstar going to support the dispather, a city employee, for disruping an offiical meeting and using equipment for personal use. To me that is a strick viloation of any code of conduct.

  2. Cindy Manestar is an outstanding Alderman. Please see her message about the BOA Mtg. 2/3 and the very pointed relationship between keeping our own dispatchers vs. outsourcing. REMEMBER KIRKWOOD murders at City Hall:

    Cindy Manestar
    12:17 PM (11 minutes ago)
    For all of you that were present at the board of alderman meeting last night…do you remember when the mysterious red phone rang and the mayor answered? Well mystery solved!

    The individual on the other end was non other than one of our Brentwood dispatchers. He was calling from the dispatch center in Brentwood to let the mayor know that he was “watching over the meeting and providing security.” He went on the say, “We watch all the meetings and in the event of another Kirkwood like situation… we the dispatchers are the ones who would provide the resources for the safety and security of the Board of Alderman and citizens of the City of Brentwood.” He then asked the Mayor if “ECDC would provide this service to the Board and Citizens.”

    So mystery solved. The Brentwood Dispatch has a live feed from the police department to City Hall and can monitor any and all meetings that take place in council chambers. Just one more layer of security and personal service they provide!

  3. The Mayor would defend whatever crap he throws at Brentwood, including the very foolish outsourcing of a critical service rather than leave our good dispatchers in place. He also wants to CONTROL duly elected officials from independent information gathering—WHAT IS HE HIDING?? and WHY IS HE STILL IN OFFICE?

    Kelly has repeatedly provided selective information to the public–attempting to keep promises he unworthily made. He has fortunately failed. I PRAY THAT THE MEETING ALLOWS THE PEOPLE OF BRENTWOOD TO OUT THIS UNFORTUNATE MONEY GRUBBER MAYER in favor of TRANSPARENT INFORMATIONAL FLOWS. He has done continuous harm while making back room deals and trying to force projects down people’s throats. HE IS A DISGRACE and EMBARRASSMENT.


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