Brentwood chief of police goes to YouTube


Brentwood has seen a spike in crime in the past few weeks, and Brentwood Chief of Police Dan Fitzgerald has gone to YouTube with a message for the city that the department is on the streets.

He also has this advice for residents:

  • Lock your doors
  • Close your garage
  • Use your lights
  • Call 314-644-7100 if you see anything suspicious


  1. Excellent presentation Chief. I will forward to residence I know who do not subscribe to 40 South. Also, I have posted other times, let the city employ three more officers. I do think we need them which could help with saturation patrolling. A show of force I believe will deter crime. The Brentwood residential area will cease to be an easy target for those who think we are that easy.

    • Hello Jack, you post very well about our confidence in Chief Fitzgerald, and the tight knit of our residents. I hope the Administration takes note of the fact you iterate: budgetary priorities MUST put our FR’s at the top of their list. If we do not take seriously our own City protection, we will have NOTHING left to protect.


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