The Book House opens its doors in Maplewood

Book House employee Ben Rosensweig shelves books.

The Book House is the newest business to open in Maplewood. The book store announced its opening Tuesday in its newsletter.

Book House employee Ben Rosensweig shelves books.
Book House employee Ben Rosensweig shelves books.

“After months of waiting, hard work, and raising funds, we got inspections done and the okay from the City of Maplewood and our new location at 7352 Manchester Road, Maplewood MO 63143 is officially open for business!!!” the newsletter announced.

The hours are Monday through Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday noon to 5 p.m.

Owner Michelle Barron said they’ve shelved more than 150 boxes of books already, but the space is so large it’s hard to tell. Thousands more need to be shelved, and anyone interested in volunteering in the next couple weeks can call 314-968-4491, or just stop in.

Construction on phase two of the shop — the lower level — will begin soon and will hopefully be open in April.


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