Brentwood mayor pushes ECDC on Friday; BOA to vote on Monday

The paperwork for Monday's board of aldermen meeting was on the table before the mayor's coffee on Friday.

The Brentwood Board of Aldermen has discussed outsourcing Brentwood’s dispatching to the East Central Dispatch Center (ECDC) in four meetings — three of them closed. A vote on a bill to do that is scheduled for Monday’s BOA meeting.

The paperwork for Monday's board of aldermen meeting was on the table before the mayor's coffee on Friday.
The paperwork for Monday's board of aldermen meeting was on the table before the mayor's coffee on Friday.

Mayor Pat Kelly spent the largest part of his Friday, monthly, coffee with residents (about two dozen, mostly retired) explaining why the city should switch to ECDC.

He said new technology in the last ten to five years allows Brentwood to consolidate with the ECDC. The county-wide communication system that St. Louis County residents voted for has made it possible.

The new communication system will be installed in the Brentwood dispatch center if the city decides not to go with ECDC.

“Twenty years ago, all municipalities had their own dispatches. It dealt with radio frequency,” Kelly said.

“You had to have a frequency to talk to your men, but as soon as those guys left their communities they couldn’t even talk to… even five years ago, actually even now, until we get on the new system; if our men leave Brentwood our radios don’t work. That’s why this county-wide system is so important.” He said that’s why they carry cell phones.

Brentwood dispatches for Rock Hill, and charges the city $55,000 for the service. When Rock Hill joined Brentwood, Brentwood hired three additional dispatchers. Kelly said Rock Hill looks for the best price every year, and if Rock Hill left Brentwood those three dispatchers would be cut. The cost for Rock Hill at ECDC would be more expensive ($70,000).

Kelly said that fire dispatching has become very technical, and a dispatcher has to know what equipment to send and how to help the firemen and chiefs during a fire. He said a trained fire dispatcher is always on duty at ECDC. He said Brentwood’s dispatchers could be trained, but “unless you’re doing that routine, it’s very difficult to keep going and doing it.”

He mentioned Fire Chief Ted Jury’s memo about the dispatching problems surrounding the Sports Attic fire made public through a Sunshine Law request, and said those problems have been fixed.

ECDC dispatchers are also trained to help a caller with a medical emergency while they wait for an ambulance to arrive.

Kelly said Brentwood dispatchers could be trained for that, but a third of the time there is only one dispatcher on duty, and “You can’t give medical assist if you only have one dispatcher.”

Kelly also talked about flooding on Manchester Road, which possibly could be reduced by excavating an area near Deer Creek to increase the flood plain.

He also mentioned Better Together St. Louis, a group which he said is working to consolidate municipal services, but would not lower taxes. He indicated he is not in favor of this group.


  1. Mary, don’t give up fighting for what is right. Don’t let these boys try to quiet you. You have every right to speak the truth. And I will say, you ARE speaking the truth and there are MANY, MANY residents that have also done their homework and know you are talking about facts. This IS our city and we have every right to ask questions of those we voted into office. We need to bring town hall meetings back so the BOA and mayor can hear what the residents actually want. We will turn this city around…it might take some time, but it will happen. If you have nothing to hide you hide nothing…bottom line. I will not argue with anyone on here but will be happy to speak face to face with anyone…so we can be actual people looking one another in the eye, and be human.

    • Hi Aniecandoit. I am aware of the ineffectiveness of the negative posters to change the facts. I think your idea about getting back to town meetings is a good one. We also need to look at promoting Brandon Jones for Alderman in 2015.

      We need to get rid of Toomy, the Mayor’s water-boy, who unconsciously “grooms” himself , then stretches and yawns, when he disagrees without speaking, Lee Wynn who stated in on the taped BOA meeting re BHGH “I have no idea what the people think.” and Robertson another mayoral “waterboy” and Lehey is a fence rider–who has shown muscle in the past–but not last night.

      Finally, we need a new mayor. Pat hid the City Administrator felony theft UNTIL the elections were over. After that–all too many worms began to surface. We have been a laughing stock under his administration. He needs to go. We need a mayor who will restore the untiy of Brentwood–rather than have the divisiveness we have been living with him since his last election. The A P&Z overhaul needs to be accomplished–and the dust removed from the ordinances and rule books, updated or enforced. These people have serious credibility issues.

      I suggest Cindy Manestar, Maureen Saunders and Tom Kramer to be the most in tune with the democratic procedures of a small town–and who make decisions based on the residents’ desires. Brentwood is being dismantled by Kelly’s “gentleman’s agreements” under the table and his cronyism. A town hall meeting and an out reach to the elderly and infirm for their input could take us a long way from the pathetic situation we are in under Pat. Thank you for your comments.

  2. Hopefully our aldermen/women will listen to us for a change and vote to NOT out-source our dispatch services to ECDC tonight. Our Police Officers have spoken, the residents have expressed their concerns and displeasure with this change and our Firemen refused to sign a letter of support written by Chief Jury. It is in the best interest of the residents of Brentwood to kept their own dispatchers. Our dispatchers can be certified in fire dispatching if that is the concern–it’s my understanding that they were certified and it was the FIRE DEPARTMENT that said it wasn’t needed because they already had such a fast response time. I’m sure our dispatchers would welcome extra training. I hope a year from now we aren’t seeing our city back in the news under the headline of “Brentwood out-sourced dispatch services to ECDC; Big regret”.

    To any aldermen/women reading this, please vote in what is in the BEST interest of our residents, not how the Mayor wants you to vote. Listen to the residents, we voted you into this position, our opinions matter! ECDC is selling a service here, of course they are going to make it sound like the grass is greener on the other side. What happens when it isn’t?

  3. Hi Johsua–regarding your last message, The cronyism includes several members of the BOA. The appointed positions include esp. PLANNING AND ZONING— Please re-read what I actually wrote. I am sorry for you that you consider this “arguing.” It is a position statement to me. Try not be so emotional as you end up defeating whatever merit your position might have. Just RE-read the post, and I am confident you will sort this out for yourself.

    • Darn, once again you are right. Everyone is corrupt, no one will ever do the right thing, Brentwood city officials should first consult with you and this web site to make sure they have your approval before making any decisions. Thank god we have you, the voice of the people and all that is right.

      • Sorry you feel this way, Johsua. So wrapped up in how upset you are, you failed to identify anything untrue. Re-read the list of poor tax based financial expenditures and management in the first post. Cleaning up the way business is conducted is not a bad thing. And cleaning is warranted. Again, I am sorry for you.

        • Never upset, just realistic…unlike the Brentwood hate mongers that populate this site. So after everything that has happened, from the clean state audit to the new financial processes that have apparently been installed, because Pat Kelly is mayor you still believe everything is corrupt? What has the white knight Saunders accomplished?? Nothing, no smoking gun, no trail of financial corruption. She has found nothing and accomplished nothing except to prevent your city from moving on. It this what you are proud of? Is this what makes you happy for your city to be in a constant state of finger pointing If thats the case then you truly have accomplished something.

          • ??? I don’t know anyone who “hates Pat”. I certainly do not. I like transparency–and that has been missing.

            Maureen Saunders has been unfairly targeted for identifying that rules have not, for whatever reason been followed–ordinances cavalierly waived to pave the way for different projects–Maureen has been a like a cowboy riding herd, and keeping the wandering steer from drifting off. That is laudable and she has paid a high price for her efforts to keep things transparent.

            Johsua, you tend to see things in a very negative light, and with high emotion. If that is “you”–fine with me. But your bitterness in not necessary to make valid points.

            Are we done NOW?? (hope-hope)

          • Cowboy riding herd? Really? Bitter? Go back and read some of your rants? You remind me of Saunders, you speak out of both sides of your mouth. Thanks OK, would not expect anything else.

          • Couldn’t agree more Joshua. Maureen has brainwashed all of these people into thinking that the mayor was committing criminal crimes and she was going to come in a stop it and be the hero in the process. Well guess what, after WAY to many attempts, she still has found no criminal activity and so know she and her “Brentwood Saviors” have their tails between their legs. My concern is that because she has brainwashed so many into believing she is doing good, she or her husband will be elected mayor.

          • Come on Mary, its all in good fun. Don’t be be such a bad sport, it reminds me too much of Alderman Saunders. Never winning, always pouting, never happy…..its very upsetting to me. If it will make you feel better maybe the city can do another audit, that always seems to help. Please, please, lets find something wrong.

  4. Mary: Perhaps you should begin organizing a group to forward a mayoral candidate in the next election. There is certainly adequate support for someone to replace Kelly IMO the dysfunction and unethical conduct in city hall lands on his desk. You are correct to continue informing readers of the problems of the recent past with his administration. Those who ignore the past are doomed to relive it. Code of Conduct? There’s a real joke.

    • Hi Mr. Completely, You know I did not make up that list of 10 outlandishly bad use of taxpayer monies in my first post. I also am concerned that significant backers of Brentwood being a residential area with some commerce have quit P&Z over issues of railroading the City down the closed corridors of information. We are rapidly becoming a commercial district with residents instead of the other way around. ]

      Financially, our national economy is circling the proverbial “bowl” It is a matter of time when our Brentwood taxes will be a moot point, as Brentwood will have become a failing City, and that is occurring right now IMO.

      I have been tongue lashed as ‘hating Pat’ and using emotions to assess changed. I actually like Pat as a person–but not as keeper of the coffers, nor the hometown appeal. Thank you for your response. I agree that we could do a lot better without the entrenched cronyism attendant to the mayoral seat at this point in time.

      Thank you for your comment. m.

    • I forgot–‘Code of Conduct’ is political-speak for relocating the independent research by Aldermen to be controlled by this administration. However, another poster said effectively, the change of the wording ‘Rule’ to a less heavy handed “Policy” would render the Code useless; a paper tiger. Again, thank you. m.

  5. Marybridgetbold, you must be drinking some kool-aid from alderman Saunders. You are doing just as she does and trying to say this is a horrible idea and EVERY resident is against it just because you do not like our mayor. You and alderman saunders want to “move forward” but you are so hell-bent on finding something illegal that the mayor did that youre always going to try to bring us back to this fighting in the past. How many audits have we had done? Sure they found things the city shouldn’t have been doing, but there has been nothing CRIMINAL or ILLEGAL found. You all preach about moving FORWARD, then move forward.

    • Johsua—you just need a nap…

      Tim, when established rules and ordinances in Brentwood are repeatedly ignored, and any alderman is attacked for pointing this out, you come out with the fist and the hammer against that alderman.

      Why all the CLOSED DOOR meetings re ECDC? You can say I don’t speak for all the residents and this is true. But not even the residents can speak for the residents under this information blackout. It is inexcusable. I did not CLOSE the meetings. Ald. Saunders did not CLOSE the meetings.

      Only the Mayor CLOSED all the meetings–by infusing a cloak of confidentiality that may only apply to a very small part of the issues discussed. What about all the rest of the information? Do the words “We cannot comment on that.” ring any bells for you? It is the line used to open transparency to residential issues without breaching confidence. It hasn’t been used when it may have saved a lot of angst.

      There has been a lot of information withheld from the residents to force this move forward. Please review the 10 instances of similar projects that were forced through in my original post. Personally I like Pat. But I am very aware of how deeply entrenched cronyism and CLOSED DOOR meetings have allowed his agenda to slither past the residents. That is what I do not like.

      Thanks for the response–and btw, I never did understand what the “kool aid” metaphor meant. It seems like a low level political comedic tag line that took on an illiterate life of its own. anyway, again, thanks for the response.

      • Once again you are wrong, the Mayor did not close the meeting, a majority of the Board voted to close the meeting. They could have voted otherwise. It’s also amazing how many residents of Brentwood are experts in dispatching and actually know more about the topic than your police and fire chiefs, who apparently recommended this change. They should have given you a call first for your recommendation. And yes, thanks, I do need a nap, I’m tired.

        • “…the majority of the Board…” , the number of internal functionaries that are appointed by the mayor (esp. P&Z): what do you think cronyism is? Follow-up: what exactly does “apparently recommended this change” mean? Did they, or did they not?

          What do the First Responders themselves have to say? And what are the retirement plans of any of the Chiefs–as if they leave following this decision, it’s not their problem anymore?

          We have the best First Responders in the Metro Area. This should be the group with the most influence. Already established is a large number of police are on record as disagreeing with this—I WANT WHATEVER THEY WANT. Same for all other services.

          Johsua, If I really believed that outsiders could BETTER do Brentwood’s dispatching of emergency resources, and the rank and file of Police, Fire and Paramedics AGREED–we wouldn’t be having this dialogue. I genuinely do not believe this is the case.

          Finally, I have voted for Pat every time he has run for Mayor. The issues that are causing consternation all seem to fly under the radar of the public–(see my original list of 10 done deals–that were not well done, and were costly). THAT is my point. Thanks for the reasoned response, and “Le bon temps” Carnival’ would make anyone tired. Cheers Johsua; I’m tired too! m.

          • paramedics agreed? How do you know this? Oh, and the member of the BOA are elected, not appointed. But that does not seem to work for your argument.

  6. re Outsourcing 911 calls :The RESIDENTS do not want this–which is why he has to spend so much time trying to convince residents. Of course Pat is going to pose threatening scenarios to imply we are all doomed if we don’t do what he wants.

    re Mayoral style of governing: Pat has been exceeding manipulative and ‘slick’ in what information is made public. and what is withheld. He abuses the “closed session’ rules. He simply infuses “confidential matters ‘and blacks out the ENTIRE issue to include information that should be provided to the residents. This is not new–

    Look at the pattern of indifference to residents. Pat has
    1. failed to fire the City Administrator due to conflict of interests–leaving Brentwood on the hook for all his
    retirement, (The conflict of interest then and now is cronyism–friends receiving special treatment,
    2. putting in an expensive, high maintenance fountain the residents did not know about,,
    3. his decision to put City TIF income to the General Rev. Fund (his own personal playground) vs. paying
    down our debt,

    4. failure to take responsibility and failure to make fiscally conservative decisions on crisis reserve levels,
    5. the BHPH fiasco and hurting people by eluding that they were all racist if they did not agree with him,
    6. now this VERY unpopular outsourcing of a fully functional, successful protocol for 911 calls,
    that the residents DO NOT WANT,
    7. Allowing for P&Z ordinance waivers to get what he wants, regardless of the standing laws and Residents
    saying “No.”
    8. Paying health insurance costs for employees—UNTIL HE WAS FOUND OUT AND this practice was
    9. providing a gravy allowance for the cars for City officials—perhaps attempt at quid quo pro $$ for
    allegiance to his agenda–(I would LOVE a job like that.)
    10. Failure to take mayoral responsibility for inappropriate, unprofessional attacks on Aldermen, (esp
    Saunders, who is very in tune with what residents want–and speaks up on our behalves), remaining
    passive versus authoritative command over the City he supposedly represents,

    re priority of consideration in mayoral decisions: Pat wants to force an issue, as stated in the article to in part keep Rock Hills bills lower. Brentwood residents are not responsible Rock Hill’s fiscal situation. He has not listened to the residents. Residents understand the shortest route from “A” to “B” is a straight line. Our in house dispatchers directly receiving 911 calls are routed immediately to our Brentwood First Responder resources.

    Pat, in forcing this issue fails to identify that Brentwood is not that large a community and has been run with high efficacy exactly the way it is always has been set up. Our own dispatchers are excellent–and we don’t have the fall downs that other communities with 911 glut call centers have had.

    As for ECDC being a not for profit—that is a lie of semantics. The more Cities ECDC has under its purview, the more income they have. Everyone who ever understood how MUCH money goes into administrators’ pockets has to see through this NFP status as a “Gentlemen’s Agreement.” ECDC is a de facto profit making enterprise. But Pat wants what Pat wants, even though the residents do NOT WANT THIS.

    re Brentwood First Responders assisting other communities: The need cell phones as problematic implies our First Responders are ‘Keystone Cops” and “circus clown “firefighters” who cannot be trusted to work as a professional team. THEY ALWAYS HAVE BEEN excellent in rapid response, job knowledge, and follow through. Cell phone use as a reason to go with ECDC is a fake argument. . He uses statements that smack of our EMS Dept as disorganized non-professionals. I beg your pardon Pat, but RESIDENTS feel safer with our direct in-house system. Never has BPD or BFD or EMS shown up to the wrong place, or lost more ground because outsourced 911 calls take a lot longer. Going with ECDC we would have added a critical waste of time by using a de facto for profit glut call center. One more time: RESIDENTS DO NOT WANT THIS, in particular the elderly, the chronically ill and young families with children–who are put most at risk by eliminating our in-house dispatchers. I voted for you Pat. But the more information that leaks out, the more I see YOUR agenda being FORCED, and a lot of shenanigans that indicate you might think of Brentwood as your own little kingdom. Well it isn’t. Leave the Good In Place and quit with the cronyism and back biting–as you are supposed set the tone for all others in City Hall. You have set the historically high bar to a rank new low. QUIT FREAKING PEOPLE OUT WITH BOOGY MAN SCENARIOS AND LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE. DO THAT. All due respects. m.


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