Community members evaluate MRH senior capstones


Maplewood Richmond Heights seniors in English IV presented their capstone projects to judges from the community Wednesday night — it was the second year for the projects and the judging event.

Area businesses contributed food and drink for the judges, but evaluating student presentations was main event. Small groups of judges (four or five) evaluated two or three students’ presentations. The students’ projects (a subject to research and present) began in the fall.

Each student chose a mentor (over 21 and not a family member) to guide them. Time management was a major part of the project; students had to fit it into their academic — and in many cases job — schedule.

If for some reason a student wasn’t prepared to present last night they didn’t get a pass. They had to present what they had to school administrators and teachers, explaining why they didn’t finish.

40 South took part as a judging team — evaluating two students’ presentations — projects on emotional abuse of children by a parent, and homicide in Chicago.

Some participants Tweeted from the night, using the hashtag #mrhcapstone:


  1. I think this is a wonderful collaboration of the community and school; seniors who are hoping to go to college, tech programs, or enter directly into the work force have the challenge/opportunity to gain valuable insight from people who are already successful in their careers. And those community members gain valuable insight into the work of the students and their teachers. Bravo.

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