Rock Hill alderman newsletter includes plans for new city hall


Rock Hill alderman, Philip Scherry, sends out a weekly newsletter. He said it can be shared here:

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a fantastic start to 2017 for you

The Rock Hill Board of Alderman will start Tuesday’s meeting at 6pm with a presentation by ArchImages on the new City Hall Complex.  Come see the latest design with us all –

Or you can see preliminary plans at:

The agenda for the meeting includes (

– Overhaul of the Criminal Code mandated by State Senate Bill 491.  This modifies 90 sections of Rock Hill law.  Two readings of this bill have been requested.  View the entire text at!Aoy3bgdnq9CaiH2qT1BhqrqNLM3d

– Division of a single lot into two at 309 Madison AveHave you Liked the City’s Facebook page?  It is active with events, pictures, and even weather alerts –


A group is working to raise funds to build PO Crosby a new home for him and his sons.  Currently, there are two ways to immediately help.

1) Donate money to the Officer Matt Crosby Charitable Fund at any Midland Bank or visit

2) Help find restaurants for January 12th (Matt’s Birthday).  Join the Growing List of Establishments for the Dine Out For Matt Crosby January 12, 2017.. Matt’s Birthday! Sign Up Now or view the list of restaurants participating at

If you would like to be part of longer term planning, please contact me and I will put you in touch with the planning team.

=============== OTHER NEWS =====================

Juice Bar STL opened on December 9th –

Notice is hereby given that the City of Rock Hill will conduct candidate filing for offices to be elected April 4, 2017:  Filing will open December 13, 2016 at 8:00 AM and close January 17, 2017 at 5:00 PM.

Statutory Qualifications for Alderman in a 4th Class City: 79.070. No person shall be an alderman unless he or she is at least eighteen years of age, a citizen of the United States, and an inhabitant and resident of the city for one year next preceding his or her election, and a resident, at the time he or she files and during the time he or she serves, of the ward from which he or she is elected.

Thank you to the Community Development Commission for showing the City employees how much the community appreciates their hard work.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve the community


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