Brentwood officials OK plan to slow down traffic


Brentwood officials Monday night passed a resolution aimed at slowing down traffic on residential streets, with the Brentwood Neighborhood Traffic Management Program.

The the Brentwood Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP) is planned as a collaboration between city residents, officials and staff to identify traffic problems and fix them, according to the plan, in the meeting agenda. The goal is to put people ahead of traffic, making safer, more livable streets.

The process begins when a resident living within one block of the area of concern fills out a request to the city for traffic calming. A petition with signatures from two-thirds of the residents on the street is also required.  Then the city will visit the site, looking at the streets, signs, sidewalks, traffic volume and other factors.

If a location qualifies to be addressed, it will be taken up at the next Public Safety Committee meeting.

Once the area has been defined, organizers have three months to inform 90 percent of residents in the area of the plan, and show that 33 percent of them support it before the city will put any measures in place. The city will evaluate resident feedback within at least six months after the traffic calming has been installed. See the full plan.


  1. Spike strips ? You only have to use them one time and probably not see any speeding cars again. Example: if a motor vehicle turns off McKnight onto Pine, have a speed limit sign at the corner with additional wording that reads, Spike Strips in Use. Even if you do not have them I think drivers will obey the speed limit.

  2. Years ago the people in my Brentwood neighborhood(west of the high school and east of McKnight) complained to Mayor Kelly about traffic safety. At that time, there was an effort to improve traffic safety by closing off White, Sonora, and Pine at McKnight. In response to this, I called Mayor Kelly to share with him my opinion that the real traffic problems in Brentwood were Brentwood Blvd. and Hanley Road, and that Brentwood and Webster were partially to blame by using their political clout to force I-170 to end at Eager. Kelly responded that I needed to understand that the continuation of I-170 would have decimated the Hanley Industrial Court, and without its tax revenue, Brentwood wouldn’t have enough revenue to continue being a city. At the point, I politely hung up. Had that happened, Brentwood would have merely merged with Rock Hill, Maplewood, and Richmond Heights, and all four municipalities might be better off than their are now. I believe that Kelly’s attitude is what’s wrong with St. Louis County. Of course, people have a right to disagree.

  3. Such a short memory. Can you remember I 170 was to go under 40/64 and continue to I 44? The outcry from Brentwood was so loud the Intrebelt stopped at 40/64. There was talk behind the scenes about building a shopping center at Eager Rd and 40/64. St Louis County had the final say. Just follow the names on the council at that time, I 44 builder and the St Louis County Executive and you will see who won. Brentwood got it’s shopping center ( sale tax) and Brentwood Rd., Hanley Rd, Big Bend and Bellevue and all the side streets got the traffic. So when you start blaming Cities, please stop and find out the facts first. There are no North / South streets between the two Highways. Do you really think the on / off ramps going West on, East off on Bellevue were for the Hospital? Richmond Heights gave up homes and residents so cars could use Bellevue East to Southwest to I 44. Yes, Hanley and Big Bend are a mess but that’s the way they were built. Every City is fighting for that tax dollar so you get all the free services. Ask yourself, would you build your store on a street with 15,000 cars per day going by or on a street with 150 cars? There is a Solution, move to St. Charles and work from home! Now ask yourself, what do I need from Target, Macy’s , Home Depot etc. on the way home? See, YOU are part of this problem ! Now, what do you think the Cards will do this year?

    • Interesting history from long ago. Good points. As for me, I’d rather have the traffic problems as they are now on Hanley & Brentwood than an ugly highway running through my neighborhood. I can see what the areas around 170 are like. I’ll live with the traffic.

  4. Brentwood has Richmond Heights to thank for many of their traffic problems by allowing uncontrolled development to occur along Hanley. Just wait till the new 300 room hotel and apartment complex gets jammed in at Dale and Hanley/Boland. Even more traffic will be on Brentwood Blvd then. What a cluster that 40-Hanley corridor is already…

    • I agree about Hanley, it’s truly a cluster. Although I think Maplewood gets a lot of the credit for that. Didn’t they tear down about 25% of their housing stock so they could give the land to that piece of crap Kronke?
      But in reading the Brentwood plan it sounds to me like they’re talking more about residential streets. They call it “Neighborhood Traffic Management Program”. Lots of talk about what the residents think and petitions, and traffic volume of 1000-3000 cars per day. Still vague about what, exactly, these measures will be, but I think it’s pointed at residential streets. Also no mention of the cops doing speed enforcement or stopping cut-through traffic.

  5. Slow down traffic? Just try driving Brentwood Blvd during rush hour. The problem is with all the drivers trying to avoid the horrible traffic on Hanley.

  6. I may have missed it, but don’t see a definition of “traffic calming measures” in the linked document.
    Anybody know what that means? Are we talking about speedbumps, signage, barricades? In a lot of ways, navigating some residential streets is already “calmed” by the narrow lanes and the choking effect of having large numbers of cars (see Eulalie Ave) parked on both sides of the street. I know stuff like this was tried way back when on streets like Kentland. Really makes getting to & from your house a pain. I’d rather see a couple of things done before we put in the anti-tank ditches. 1 – Post and enforce “Local Traffic Only” signs. 2 – Speed enforcement on streets like Litzinger (both east & west of Brentwood), and Mary Ave. There is no police presence in my neighborhood except after a burglary or vandalism occurs, and these streets are treated like a drag strip by many people. Doing 40 on a street like Litzinger where there are lots of kids, and no sidewalks should bring a hefty fine, but there has to be someone there to write the tickets. I’d try measures like those before going to physical measures which can be really irritating to residents who HAVE TO use these streets.


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