One petition picked up for Ward 3 seat


So far one petition has been picked up to run for the Maplewood Ward 3 council seat that will be empty after Barry Greenberg is sworn in as mayor.

Filing for the seat, at Maplewood City Hall, is open, and closes May 23. A petition must have signatures from 50 registered voters in Ward 3. Petitions are reviewed and approved by the Board of Elections. See more about filing to run.

Steven Terelmes, an approximately 15-year Maplewood resident, is the only one to pick up a petition, as of Monday afternoon. He has worked for Ameren with commercial markets, and now works independently as Terelmes Consulting & Management. He also owns rental property in St. Louis city.

Greenberg, and council members Steve Moseley (Ward 1), Ray Crader (Ward 2) and Shawn Faulkingham (Ward 3, incumbent) will be sworn in at the April 25 city council meeting.


  1. I find it interesting that Mr. Jugo has not picked up a petition to run for the 3rd Ward. If he really does want to get involved in Maplewood’s governance and make a difference, as he said in campaign, he’d be running for the open seat….


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