5-city fire command study published


Last fall the cities of Clayton, Brentwood, Maplewood, Richmond Heights and Rock Hill began a study to determine the feasibility of combining the administrative and support functions of the five fire departments. The study has been released — Command Staff Cooperative Study.

The study covers staffing levels and assignments, compensation including cost savings, and how the plan would be implemented, if approved.

To move toward implementation, the study recommends that elected officials of all five cities meet together for the first discussion of the study’s options and outcomes.

According to the study: “The purpose (of the meeting of city officials) is to weigh the strategies, advantages, fiscal outcomes, and potential impediments of the feasibility to determine whether to commit local resources, and move the process forward. The decision is not, at this point, a final decision to execute a determined strategy. The final commitment to take legal actions necessary to finalize implementation of any given strategy will come much further into the process.”

This would also the time that any communities can opt out of the plan, either for financial reasons, or because the plan doesn’t meet its needs. After the first meetings a joint implementation committee will be formed to go forward.

See the plan here — Command Staff Cooperative Study.



  1. Will this be presented to the citizens in the way of being on a ballot for us to decide if we want to be a part of this or stay as we are. Hopefully, the majority of Brentwood citizens want to remain independent and of course still have mutual aid from the surrounding departments. Years ago, Gene McNary wanted all FDs under one umbrella and it never got off the ground.

    After all these years the fire departments seem to continue to work effectively. If it works after all this time why try to fix it.


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