Doxie owners meet in Maplewood


The first gathering of doxie (dachshund) owners took place Saturday at Ryan Hummert Park.

Organizer, Matthew Creath, on Twitter (), said fifteen owners were interested in the first meeting and about half of them came; monthly meetings are in the works.

Update: the  next gathering is Saturday, June 3 at 9:30 a.m. at Ryan Hummert Park.

via Matthew Creath on Twitter



  1. Lauren, Thanks for your comment. Right now, we are going to stick with Hummert Park as a monthly get together to gain some traction and get more people to know about it. We had incredible response by people driving and walking by. We would encourage you to come in June, get to know some folks, and see go from there. Perhaps invite some folks you are getting to know over sometime. And, maybe at some point we’ll do a doxie get together at someone’s home. Because yes, seeing all these pups run around together would be fun! Can’t wait to see you June 3!

    • Sounds good, see you then!! I was JUST thinking on Saturday how I wish I could get together with other doxie owners lol! Thanks for organizing!

  2. Wow I’m SO sad I missed this! I have a 6 month old doxie and will definitely be attending in June. Matt, is there a place we could meet that is fenced in so the dogs can run around? I could host in my back yard but it’s not very big! Off of Jerome Ave

    • I’ll also throw out there that the Maplewood dog park in Kellogg park has a small dog section that rarely gets used and is fenced.


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