Two suspects in multiple carjackings in Maplewood; updated with suspect descriptions


Maplewood Police are investigating carjackings and attempted carjackings that took place during the day on Sunday, according to KSDK.

Maplewood Detective Sergeant John LeClerc told KSDK the first attempted carjacking happened around 4:30 p.m. outside Urban Breath Yoga on Sutton.

A man asked a woman to use her phone then displayed a handgun and demanded her car keys. She went into the yoga studio and the suspect followed her inside, displaying the handgun to everyone in the studio. That’s when she handed over her keys. LeClerc said the suspect got in the woman’s car but didn’t drive off.

The suspect then allegedly demanded car keys from another woman on Sutton. She gave gave him her keys, but was apparently too frightened to tell him where her car was.

According to police, the suspect then ran into the backyard of a home on Hazel, then broke into a home and demanded keys. The homeowner gave him keys to a white van and the suspect took off.

Then, around 5:45 near the intersection of Gayola and Oakview, police told KSDK a different suspect approached a mother who was getting her two-year-old out of her SUV. The man pointed a handgun at the woman and demanded her purse and keys. The suspect took off in her vehicle.

Police believe the second suspect was working with another person in a getaway car. They’re looking for a blue sedan, but no license plate, make or model are available at this time.

Updated with suspect descriptions: Maplewood Police say the suspect regarding the Sutton Boulevard incidents is a Hispanic male in his twenties. The incident on Oakview is a black male in his late teens or early twenties.


  1. If carrying a gun makes one safer, why have so many of our police officers been shot? they all carry guns and are trained to use them. The answer of conceal and carry for protection is a weak one. The car jackers most likely will move on to another area if things become hot. Things happen all the time in different areas of the city. Now is not the time to over react. Who is to say you are such a great shot no one else would be injured. I do not welcome some cowboy shooting up Sutton perhaps hitting a innocent by stander.

    • The answer to your first question is simple, I’m surprised you are not aware of it. The police are charged with interfacing with all the bad guys brought to their attention by the public or other officers! That’s their job, dealing with bad guys. On the other hand the general public only interacts with bad guys when they make themselves known. One can call 911 and wait 4 or 5 minutes, run, hide or respond in kind to bad actors acting bad. Your choice.

  2. I’m hoping that this new laundry mat going in becomes a HUB station for the police, like Quik Trip was. With ridiculous hours I’ve heard it will have-20 or 24 hours operating hours, a park filled with little kids, a block away, I am NOT looking forward to this business opening.

    I’m also hoping that the neighbors in my area will be vigilant with the City to ensure this area remains safe and uninterrupted. The QT may have been noisier, but people come and go quickly there – A laundry mat…..people linger…

  3. Description is the Key.. sad state of affairs.. we all know the truth. I’m on Sutton Weekly.. conceal carry, I will do what’s right to save my life.. ex military..

    • I’m on Sutton daily and I’m not so much of a coward that I feel the need to carry a gun around.

      Also, learn how to use ellipses..

      • Cowards turn their responsibility for self protection over to others. Only some people are aware enough to know their safety depends on them, fewer still take up this responsibility and carry it with them. Three types of people we meet on the street: wolves, sheep, sheepdogs.

        • Cowboys turn their responsibility for self protection over to others. Cowboys belong in the old west, not Maplewood

          Barry Greenberg on June 7, 2017 at 5:41 pm said:
          “If I were passing by the situation with the gun you suggest I carry, how do I assess the situation quickly enough to figure out who I should kill, and if I hesitate, then I become the victim. I am just thankful that no one was hurt or worse and that everyone doesn’t run around with a gun.”

  4. Question???
    Why does it take almost a full week to come out with these ‘generic’ descriptions?

  5. What does this have to do with just liberals? I’m sure that there are enough repubs out there that are thinking the same thing. Like I said before. Do you have what it takes to pull the trigger and are you a good enough shooter to hit it? This isn’t a paper target at the end of a rope. This is a moving object with a weapon of their own and their not afraid to shoot!!

  6. Lived in Maplewood, still do business there… no Descriptions of the assilants… you can not ID without that.. glad I got conceal and carry.. I never hope it comes to that, now it’s in my neighborhood.. all you liberals try to reason.. sad state today

  7. This story is of concern for the feeling of safety on Sutton, and impacts the businesses on Sutton. Possibly security cameras with posted signs might be a deterrent or at least help identify the perpetrators.

  8. Suspects wanted for carjacking in Brentwood.Maybe it’s the same bad boys who did this at 7 a.m. in the 8800 block of Manchester Road this morning. Time for 3 hots and a cot for these guys!

  9. I think open carry is the answer to keep the bad guys away. When they see your firearm they will think twice about approaching you. However, females are at a disadvantage in some cases for open carry. I doubt a lady will arm her self with open carry when in a dress and high heels. But if they are in slacks then they may wear an exposed side arm.

      • Apparently I don’t have to worry about you shooting me because you can see to read what I wrote. Read it again! You don’t have to reply again I am still laughing at your first reply.

    • Personally, I’d rather not live in a society where everyone and anyone has a tool that can kill just casually out in the open.

      • The answer to that is move to Chicago. They have the strictest gun laws. Oh wait, don’t move to Chicago because they have the highest kill rate. Stay here and buy a GLOCK.

        • Man, why aren’t all these open carry nut jobs stopping all the crime here in St. Louis? You’re seeming to suggest more guns equals more safety. Apparently that doesn’t work in good old STL.

        • Speak Now, talking about local gun laws is like poking holes in a condom and then acting all surprised 9 months later. With people coming into and out of Chicago all the time, of course there are going to be a lot of guns in that city! The only way is to have NATIONAL gun laws. Local gun laws are a joke.

          • There are hundreds of state and national gun laws on the books already, some say even thousands. What new law do you propose that would keep criminals from acting criminally? And passing a law is one thing, enforcing that law is an entirely different thing. Then there is the Civil Right American citizens possess to own and operate firearms. I wonder what their reaction might be if infringed or stripped of this right? Take away our protection and the First Amendment is next, already is on life support in many university campuses.

          • At the federal, state and local level there are probably thousands of laws on the books for murder, rape, robbery, etc. So what’s your point? You surely aren’t suggesting those are bogus because there are so many of them, are you?

            Then there is the Civil Right American citizens possess to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and the right to not live in fear, I might add. I wonder what their reaction might be if infringed or stripped of this right? Oh, wait – that’s right. They’re DEAD, so we’ll never know. But I think it’s pretty obvious their rights have been trampled on Big Time.

  10. Based on the account of how things transpired, if any of the victims attempted to pull out and use a gun, there is a likelihood that they would have been killed before they could defend themselves. The fact that neither carjacker actually discharged their gun, I don’t think that escalating the situation was the answer. Considering that one woman was holding a two year old and another was too distraught to speak, I am not seeing this as a good time to fumble around for a weapon, undo the safety and fire a weapon without the real possibility that both scenarios would have turned out tragically for the victims. If I were passing by the situation with the gun you suggest I carry, how do I assess the situation quickly enough to figure out who I should kill, and if I hesitate, then I become the victim. I am just thankful that no one was hurt or worse and that everyone doesn’t run around with a gun.

    • Barry, Thank you for a reasonable response to all the nut jobs here that want to turn our streets into the wild west.

      • just because a person has a mindset to protect themselves from these maniacs doesn’t make them a nut job. We were lucky here but in this situation there is a very real chance of you getting shot no matter what you actions are.

        • And if your actions involve trying to pull a gun, your chances of escalating the situation are 100%.

  11. Doug – Any idea why there are no descriptions of these men? Surely the police have to have something to go by. Do they not release descriptions if they are too vague? Thank you for any insight you can provide.

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