Making a Difference: How Can I Become Involved?

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    Date(s) - 07/20/2017
    6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

    Maplewood Public Library


    How often have you said to yourself “I would love to get more involved in my community, but how? Where can I use my talents, my time, and my money?” There are many organizations that need people in the community to help those they serve in a variety of ways. We are hosting just a few of these organizations, who will share their needs and how you can get involved. These groups will have representatives who will let you know just what they need—whether it is money, time, tutoring, donations of food, clothing, household items, services, or even just volunteer hours. Come and see how you can “Build a Better Community”. For a list of the participating groups, grab a flyer or check out our website.


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