Brentwood to use Prop P for street lights, protective equipment, furniture


Brentwood plans to use its Prop P funds (earmarked for public safety) for street lights in all four wards, protective equipment for police and firefighters, furniture for the firehouse and more, according to a source that pointed out that the new street light locations were listed in the Oct. 19 public safety committee agenda.The proposed street light locations listed on the agenda are here: 2017.09.18_Proposed Light Updated Costs.

Total new street lights per ward:

Ward 1 — 11 lights
Ward 2 — 4 lights
Ward 3 — 3 lights
Ward 4 — 8 lights

Details for where the funds are to be used are in the Dec. 4 meeting minutes:

“Furthermore, the recent approval of the County-wide Proposition P provides a partial-year boost to the General Fund, and this is quite positive. Proposition P funds allow us to pay for: 35 new streetlights in Wards 1, 2, 3 and 4; personal protective equipment that includes shin forearm protection and ballistic helmets for police officers; ballistic helmets for firefighters; training and ammunition for the police department; the CALEA Accreditation Manager; furniture for the fire house multi-purpose room; fire station alerting system; citywide emergency preparedness training; firearms training; ballistic vests, uniforms and equipment for new police officers; health and wellness equipment for the fire department; and the opportunity to secure a permanent location for firearms training firing range.”

See also: Maplewood residents meet over Prop P funds: transparency wanted



  1. I think #1 should be to make sure police salaries are competitive; #2 police presence back and on Brentwood Blvd. Before the police Dept moved I saw patrols in my neighborhood, have felt abandoned for years. Never understood moving PD from center of city, makes no sense that it’s nearly in Maplewood.

  2. How about a pay raise to bring them up to the same wages as the Fire Department. They are on the street longer than a firefighter and all hours of the night. Their life is in as much danger as a Firefight at certain times. We have been so very lucky we have not had a Police Officer injured by gunfire or Firefighter injured on the way to a fire or at a fire that is life threatening. Come on you fired four people now give those salaries to the Police Department.

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