A word of explanation about 40 South News


If you’re a 40 South News reader, you may have noticed that 1) 40 South doesn’t have as much content as it has in the past, and 2) if you’re signed up to receive the 40 South email newsletter it’s not going out as often.

I feel compelled to explain that the reason for both is that I (editor, Doug Miner) now have additional obligations, meaning less time to cover meetings and follow up on stories, leading to the newsletter not going out as often.

While I have wavered on whether or not to continue to publish 40 South for now it it’s a go. Given time, there’s always another new business, city hall intrigue, or local election result we all can’t wait to find out more about.

As always, news tips or other contributions are always welcome. Thanks for reading and commenting!



  1. Doug. Can you follow this up with an article on how we could help keep 40 south going. We are a very involved and engaged community. I’d hate to see 40 south go. Good news outlets like 40S are becoming increasingly rare. Most local events are well attended. Maybe people who attend events can offer to act as a resident reporters for the event. Growing up in Connecticut we had a similar local news source (a newspaper at the time). It was often supported by local residents for articles and editorials. We also have a lot of great writers in our community who might volunteer to help with editing. 40 south has been around long enough with enough distribution that it might even be successful with a subscription reader base. Thanks for everything you do to make 40s a reality

  2. Thanks for the update and for everything you do to keep 40 South running. It is a valuable asset to our community. If you need more writers, I would be happy to contribute!

  3. Although we live in Franz Park, we patronize many businesses in Maplewood, Richmond Heights and Brentwood. We want to know what is going on with our neighbors. Thanks for taking the time to research and share what’s happening. We enjoy your news and insights. We hope that you are able to continue. Thanks!

  4. My go to on Maplewood & surrounding area for news! If I hear something happened I look here first for the real story! Please keep it coming. thanks!!!

  5. Thank you for letting us know what is going on with 40 South. We noticed it was not coming very often. I hope you have time to keep it going to the best of your ability, everyone understands other obligations. We love reading about the news in the community in each publication. Thank you for all of your work keeping us updated.


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