American Heritage Girls informational meeting planned

via American Heritage Girls

An informational meeting for those interested in a Maplewood American Heritage Girls troop is set for Monday, May 8 at 6:30 p.m. at the Maplewood Salvation Army.

Maplewood resident Andrew Bolin is planning the meeting. He said membership is down and some leaders have left, so he’s seeing if interest can be brought back. He said the new charter will be with the Salvation Army; it was previously with Crossroads Presbyterian.

About American Heritage Girls from the American Heritage Girls website:

Mission: “Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country”

Vision: American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement.

Inclusion Policy: All biological girls of any color, creed, race, national origin and socioeconomic status who agree to live according to the standards of the AHG Oath and the AHG Creed are invited to be members of American Heritage Girls.


  1. Religious freedom. This organization has the right to practice their beliefs. If you don’t subscribe to them then don’t join! How would you like a young boy in drag stepping into the shower with your daughter??? Josh Hawley sued Obama and won for these rights.

    • Why would they get into the shower clothed? Oh and, can you point out any instances of this actually happening? Surely it must’ve been reported somewhere, right?

      • A “young boy in drag” is not a description of a transgender girl. You need to educate yourself Uncle Jedd. And please, stop using women as a way to continue to discriminate against transgender youth. If you really want to protect women, fight for ALL women’s rights (including transgender women). Pretending discrimination towards transgender people is a religious right or an effort to protect women is just plain ridiculous. And, in case you aren’t aware, was the same argument the KKK used to discriminate against black people.

        We women are done being a tool for people to use for discrimination.

  2. Fake news. Most of planned parenthood’s funding is spent on STI treatment and on contraceptives (which actually prevent the need for abortions). A very small portion is spent on abortions. Planned parenthood works very hard to give women the information and resources they need to prevent the need to terminate pregnancies. No one is pro abortion. Read up.

      • How do you know what you read up on isn’t lying to you the same way you are implying the media lying to us? Have you poured over the budgeting for Planned Parenthood? And not just their publicly available budgeting, but I mean the super secret one they hide from the public. And if so, did you actually witness the money changing hands and observe all of the abortions that you are saying have taken place?

        • Below are two quotes of Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood) in her own words. “More children from the fit, less from the unfit – that is the chief aim of birth control.” And “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population in the case that it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” That is all I need to know about PP. But you believe in and give your money to whatever organization helps you sleep better at night.

          • FAKE NEWS! That first one is a quote that is falsely attributed to Sanger. And the second one is taken out of context. She was stating she didn’t want the African American community to believe they were going to be “exterminated” by birth control, and idea that was attempted to be spread to get African Americans to ignore birth control, because that’s not wasn’t the ideals and goals.

    • Planned Barrenhood makes its big profits (does it call itself non-profit?) from performing abortions and please don’t forget, they were literally caught red handed selling human baby body parts for scientific research! There are well over 16,000 women’s health care groups throughout our country that do provide mammograms, birth control and STI treatment that do not destroy precious tiny human life. Eliminate all PP funding and give the money (borrowed BTW from future generations of worker/taxpayers) to these health care organizations. Taxpayers who love human life should not be forced to pay for abortions in America!

      • Amen! At the same time, we should really make healthcare affordable for everyone, including the poor. We have all of these hospitals, insurance and pharmaceutical companies out these making big profits from exploiting peoples health and well being. We should give the money to some kind of system where everyone spends a little bit of tax towards a system that allow healthcare for free on the patient end. UK and Canada have these systems set up, no reason the good ole USA can’t either.

        • Wouldn’t ‘free’ healthcare for all Americans be a lot like the Veteran’s Administration healthcare program for our nation’s protectors? Maybe we ought to ask them how well federal government does in delivering this product and service. And for a total cradle to grave Nanny State, why don’t we examine the American Indian Reservations and see how well federal government does administering this program. Remember, if we don’t learn from history…

          • Hey there it is! We must protect human life, but caring for that human life after it’s born? Well, we don’t want to become a nanny state, right?

          • Daniel
            on May 4, 2017 at 9:40 am said:
            Hey there it is! We must protect human life, but caring for that human life after it’s born? Well, we don’t want to become a nanny state, right?

            What are parents and family and church for Daniel? Oh, and what are you doing personally to help those in need besides forcing your neighbors to pay more tax and federal government to borrow from future generations?

          • Churches? Oh please, let us know which churches will help people pay for chemo and radiation treatments? I’m sure there are a lot of people who would like to know.

          • I know why Daniel won’t answer federal government’s failures with our Veterans and American Indians for just two examples, or why you don’t personally supply funds for needy medical cases, or why Margaret Sanger is a very well known Darwinian eugenicist set on eliminating people from society not like her, and how many million$ of dollar$ Planned Barrenhood makes from abortions, because you have no good responses and do not want to discuss it! Bury your head in the sand if you wish but that does not solve any meaningful problems, except maybe one.

          • Marty – As I think you will find out, people aren’t burying their head in the sand on this. I was at the women’s rights March. There are more of us then there are of you. Go bury yourself six feet under so we can move forward in society.

  3. Yeeaah…so I’m not going to send my kid to a place that checks them for vaginas.

    Up next, the KKK is also looking for new members. Biologically white, of course.

    • But you will send them somewhere that most of the funding goes for abortions? Makes perfect sense to me as of your logic…

      • You are the one talking about abortions Marty, but along those lines, yes, I personally would send them to a place that performs abortions as well as for the many other services offered by these fantastic establishments.

  4. Good grief people, it’s a children’s club for girls. Not boys, not adults. Similar to Boy Scouts, it’s for boys; & Girl Scouts being for girls. No need to overthink or be offended.

    • No over thinking necessary- they directly state their mission is to serve biological girls. And no, that is not like the girl scouts. The girl scouts serve all who identify as girls. It is not a simple X or Y issue. Read up.

      • Just because this issue is “simple” for you, E, does not mean that it is a simple issue. It’s nice that you have not experienced the pain and humiliation many transgender people have faced. That’s great. But this is an important issue for many people who want their transgender children to grow up and flourish. Are you aware that the rate of suicide for transgender youth is 44%? This is a serious issue. Please don’t belittle the people who care about these young people.

  5. Clearly it is not safe for little girls to be exposed to gender confused boys or men with biologically active male parts who think they are little girls. How far will this madness manifest itself before our leaders speak the truth to radical excess? DNA governs ones sex, this can’t be more scientific, it’s either an X or a Y gene. It is mental illness lets children think they are a fairy, and they need loving care and treatment to get back on the right tract.

    • What I like about science is that it often shows how little we know. As we advance our knowledge of genetics and continue to re-examine topics we were previously sure of, we have come to appreciate the diversity of human chromosomes. It is possible to actually have XXY or XYY or other variations from the typical XY or XX. While rare, these do account for some of the people you describe having “mental illness.” Then you factor in the endocrine system (hormones like testosterone) and you can get males or females that don’t develop genitals typically. Some theories now suggest looking at sex and gender as separate items. Others look at sex and gender as a continuous spectrum. It is interesting stuff that is much more complex than kids are taught in grade school biology or even a high school anatomy class.

      • I think we are dealing more with mental illness in the gender confusion conflagration, a very soft and malleable science for sure, a growing pock on our medical and civil society. Anybody for Trans-Species Elfism? Where, when will the madness end? Oh, and you have absolutely no knowledge or understanding whatsoever about my science background Michelle.

    • Transgenderism is a real thing that is accepted by the scientific community. Transgender girls are not boys in drag. They are girls.

  6. It is frustrating to see an organization that touts its Christian roots have an inclusion policy. If you have an inclusion policy, it likely means that you are not all inclusive and therefore not following an example set by the person your faith is based upon.

    Besides the (not so) subtle religious message behind the inclusion policy, it is silly to make policies that have no intention of being enforced. Maybe they forgot a disclaimer that girls with shaved heads and have androgynous traits will have their genitals checked to ensure that they are appropriately like everyone else in the group. Pardon the vulgarity.


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