And yet, Deer Creek didn’t flood


Though rivers in the area like the Missouri and the Meramec flooded this week, Deer Creek in Maplewood and Brentwood stayed in its banks. Manchester Road in Brentwood and Rock Hill didn’t flood; neither did Deer Creek or Brentwood parks.

Angela Adler, co-owner of Seed Geeks, with an office near Brentwood Boulevard and Hanley Road, said on Facebook not only did it not flood, but didn’t come within three feet of the top of banks. “We’re​ shocked and super thankful!” she said.

MRH baseball coach Jonathan Webb said the creek reacts better to steady, prolonged rain than short bursts; the MRH field is in the flood plain. Stacy Arnold, from the Deer Creek Watershed Alliance, agreed that the light rain spread out over several days, rather than a hard rain in a short window is the reason.

On June 26, 2015, in a flash flood, Deer Creek went from three feet to 13 feet and back down within six hours. It also flooded in the end of December 2015.

In mid-August 2016 Deer Creek and Black Creek, which feeds into it, flooded Manchester Road in Brentwood.


  1. This is good news. I mean this is a creek and I’m lost as to why people are surprised when a creek rises when it rains. People need to realize that building too close next to any creak, or river, you run the risk of being flooded. This is not rocket science but is common knowledge.


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