APA offers free spay, neuter for pit pulls and mixes


The Animal Protective Association of Missouri (APA Adoption Center) is inviting owners of pit bulls or pit bull mixes to take part in the new ‘Fix-a-Bull’ initiative.

11169932_10153285246389184_5258844094715746244_nThe program offers free spay or neuter surgeries for Pit Bulls or Pit mixes. There are no income restrictions or residency requirements to be eligible for the innovative free program.

Pit Bulls make up a majority of dogs in shelters across the nation. They are also one of the least common breeds adopted. The APA’s new Fix-A-Bull program will spay or neuter any Pit Bull or Pit Bull mix, free of charge in an effort to reduce the number of Pit Bulls entering shelters. Fix-a-Bull will also reduce the number of dogs euthanized. If your Pit Bull is in need of this service, call 314-645-4610 to schedule your FREE appointment with our highly skilled veterinarian.

“The new Fix-A-Bull program will not only save lives, it will make for happier and healthier pets,” says APA Executive Director Steve Kaufman. “Spay and neuter reduces health risks for pets. It can also reduce many behavior issues.”

774763_10153835803289184_5196617287941973713_oThe free Fix-A-Bull treatments will be performed at the APA clinic on Fridays with a morning drop-off and same day afternoon pickup. Fix-A-Bull is just one of many ways the APA Adoption Center serves the Saint Louis region. APA staff and volunteers provide pet adoption, education services, outreach programs, reunite lost animals with their owners, visit senior centers with PetReach and reduced rate veterinary services.

The newly renovated APA Adoption Center is centrally located where Richmond Heights meets Brentwood at 1705 S Hanley Rd, Brentwood, MO 63144. The adoption center is open 7 days a week. Monday through Saturday the hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday the APA Adoption center is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free parking is available.


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