At Brentwood Rec Center, cerebral palsy not a problem for kids in dance class

Brentwood Recreation Complex
Brentwood Recreation Complex
Brentwood Recreation Complex

Monday nights at the Brentwood Recreation Center, for almost 13 years, Kim Gibson has been teaching dance class to a room of kids, most of whom have cerebral palsy, according to KSDK Channel 5 news.

The idea for the class began in the Cerebral Palsy Center at St. Louis Children’s hospital. Dr. Jan Brunstrom works with cerebral palsy patients, and she has it herself.

“My mom was really tough and she wasn’t going to let me grow up and be dependent on other people,” Brunstrom told KSDK.

Gibson said she used to dream of dancing on Broadway.

“I love to change lives, I love to make people happy,” says Gibson.
Cerebral palsy affects a person’s ability to move their arms and legs, and in some cases communicate but it doesn’t seem to be a problem here.

“I think in dance class they’re kind of free to be whoever they want to be and dance the way they want to dance,” Gibson said.

Read the full article and see video on KSDK.


  1. Brentwood has the most progressive Parks and Recreation one could ask for. They are almost like unspoken heroes here. Their vast responsibilities of parks, trails and playgrounds are always in good shape. That takes a lot of work, and for them I am sincerely grateful. They especially endear themselves to me in their outreach to special needs people. LOVE THEM A LOT! mbb


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