Baby raccoon cries and cries when left behind


Maplewood resident Liza Repaso-Horton was woken Sunday morning by a crying baby raccoon who apparently had been left behind by his mother. She shot some video of the drama.
She said it looked like the mother raccoon was trying to get the rest of her family away from the crying racket as quickly as possible.

The baby on the roof, and the mama and siblings on the ground.
The baby racoon peers down from the roof.


  1. Missouri Wildlife Hotline 1 (855) 495-3543, LeeAnn Tapscott 314 402-3191, I’m a permitted wildlife rehabber and your neighbor. I could of gotten this baby asap. Maplewood also has my contact information

  2. I wonder if that is the raccoon family we evicted from our chimney a couple of weeks ago. I hope they find a safe home (apart from ours).

  3. Surely she was not trying to ditch the one making the “crying racket!” Did she come back for him or her? I hope the 40 South News will bring us late breaking updates!!

  4. Well this is terribly sad and I hope someone called one of the local wildlife rescues to help either reunite the baby with its family or release it safely. All three of these are helpful:
    Bistate Wildlife Hotline: 855-WILD-HELP
    Wildlife Rescue Center: 636-394-1880
    Wild Life Rehab: 636-677-3670


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