Brentwood High School Senior Jack Wright was named a National Merit Scholarship finalist in February. Of the 1.5 million student entrants, only one percent advance to the final stage of the scholarship competition. Finalists are selected based on college entrance examination scores and academic achievement.

National Merit Scholarship winners will be announced between March and June.
Jack Wright has attended Brentwood Schools throughout his academic career. He enjoys school and extracurricular activities including playing varsity basketball, school spirit group the Purple People, student leadership and the newly formed robotics club.
On March 5, Brentwood High School was notified that Jack had been selected for the 2014 Missouri Scholars 100. This program honors the top 100 Seniors who have demonstrated academic achievement.
Wright attributes his success to a strong work ethic and responsibility and is excited to have achieved these honors. Jack looks forward to graduating- likely at the top of his class – and attending Mizzou in the fall.
“I plan to study engineering,” he said. “Maybe bio/medical engineering but maybe I’ll find something else I like better.”
He is looking forward to being involved in intramural sports and just being a “fan of sports.”
“He is to be commended,” said BHS Principal Dr. Ed Johnson. “He is heavily involved in extracurricular activities but does not compromise with academics. He is a fine young man with a bright future. He has taken advantage of every opportunity.”