Big Bend Blvd. work planned to be done by end of year


David G. Wrone, public information manager for St. Louis County Departments of Transportation and Public Works, responded to a question about the progress on the Big Bend resurfacing:

“We’re improving Big Bend from Manchester north to Delmar – a total of three miles of roadway. Work began this spring on the $3.58 million project. Concurrent with our work, Missouri American Water – this summer – removed and replaced 10,000 feet of water main beneath Big Bend’s southbound curb lane – a project resting largely within the parameters of our own job. The water company’s work is complete.

“Our project’s first phase of work consisted of the removal and replacement of deteriorated sidewalk panels and curb, and the construction of more than 100 wheelchair-accessible ramps throughout the limits of our project. Repaving of the southern end of the project (between Manchester and I-64/40) is expected to begin this fall. Although we’re currently trying to expedite the repaving schedule to encompass the entirety of Big Bend from Manchester to Delmar by year’s end, we’re not sure if that will be possible.

The project rests in four different munis: Maplewood, Richmond Heights, Clayton and University City. L. Krupp is our contractor.


  1. Would have been nice if they weren’t using concrete. Do it nice or do it twice. This seems like a waste of tax dollars. Black top will never hold up.

  2. When it gets done I will be thankful. Several times I have said to myself and others I wonder where I send my front end alignment bill to. Sure can bounce you around.


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